The Shot (Chapta 1)

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    This is my first story on here, but I've read a lot of these. I decided to give it a shot. I have a fairly good idea on how this is gonna go, trust me, it'll pick up. Enjoy! :)

I would give my heart and soul just to be at home in my pajamas sleeping, I glumly thought as I watched my chatter away with her snooty friends. I looked down at my phone to see if I had gotten a text message from Sam; I hadn't.

"Halley!" my mom called from across the room. "Come and say hello to Janice."

I muttered profanities to myself the whole way there. I didn't want to say hello to Janice. Janice pisses me off.

"My goodness, Halley!" Janice screeched. "You sure are a pretty thing."

I struggled to keep from rolling my eyes. I looked awful. Waking up at five in the morning and having twenty minutes to get ready was not my definition of "pretty".

"Thank you," I smiled, most likely looking like a grimace. "How are Rebecca and Thomas?"

"Oh!" Janice said getting into "Rebecca and Thomas position". "They are just wonderful. Rebecca just finished medical school and Thomas has just been dying to see you!"

Thomas was the pimply, greasy, perverted thing Janice called her son. Every time I went to his house for dinner he always ended up sitting next to me at the dinner table. Resulting in me getting rubbed down the whole dinner; it was awful.

"Well, not to be rude Janice... but, quite frankly, your son is a pig," I blurted out.

Janices' pink lips made a circle and I heard my mom's sharp intake of breath. I don't even know why I said it.

"I'm sorry?" Janice said as if I was going to take it back.

I wasn't going to. "He constantly hits on me and rubs me down at the dinner table. I've had enough of it! I don't know where you got this crazy fantasy of me and him getting together, but we're not. I have a boyfriend."

I went to the large, cherry wood table I had been sitting at, snatched up my handbag and walked out of the restaurant in a huff. I don't know what overcame me. I think I was just grumpy, I didn't care though; it felt good to get that off my chest.

The crisp, cold air instantly nipped at my bare skin. I was only wearing a light blue, flowy halter dress that hit about mid-thigh. I realized I wouldn't be getting anywhere fast with my stilettos on, so I bent down and yanked them off.

I plopped down on a bench and watched butterflies dance from flower to flower. I sighed aloud.

"Rough breakfast?" A deep, attractive voice from behind me asked.

Startled, I whipped my head around to see a good-looking man casually leaning against a large oak tree.

I felt a small smile start to creep across my face. "You don't even know."

The man walked the small distance from the tree to the bench and sat down next to me. He was dressed in a black suit with a red tie. He had curly, dark brown hair and piercing, leaf green eyes.

He chuckled quietly. "Ah, those teenage years." He shook his head.

"You don't look old enough to be mourning your teenage years," I accused, smiling a little.

He raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his face. "Oh? Then how old do I look?"

"20?" I guessed.

"You cheated!"

I laughed. "How can I cheat in a guessing game?"

"Easy, you read my mind."

I smiled. "But, of course!"

I noticed the black leather briefcase leaning against his leg.

"What do you do?" I asked, nudging the briefcase lightly with my bare foot.

"Fresh out of college," he stated proudly. I noticed him checking me out every now and again. He gave off a calming vibe. And Jesus Christ, was he handsome!

"I'll be graduating in a few months," I said.

I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled it out of my handbag and saw it was from my mom, telling me we had to go.

"I have to go, it was nice talking to you..." I trailed off realizing I never got his name.

"Michael Ratkers," he grinned, flashing his perfect, straight, white teeth.

I nodded and returned the smile. I put on my shoes and started to walk away.

"I'll see you around, Halley!" he called back.

How did he know my name?

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