Hajime x Victim Reader {angst}

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Kskajssjja- thank you for the request-
also don't be fooled by the beginning of this one shot, this is very much an angst...it just starts off as a fluff-
Also THIS IS HELLA LONG so yeah-


Hajime's POV/

I Slowly walked up to the cottage door, nervousness spreading throughout my body.

I'm just asking to hang out, it's nothing weird.

I let out a shaky breath as I softly knock on the cottage door.



Nothing, I raise my hand up again giving the door another knock, this time being a little bit harder.




I stared at their door. Are they alright?!

Are they dead?!

The worst thoughts ran through my head.

Worry taking over my body I ran around trying to find them.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sweat started to build on my forehead as I finished running around the main island.

Stopping to catch have my breath I see a very familiar marshmallow hair bouncing.

"Hey Nagito!" I yell, calling out to The albino.

He turns his head and smiles, slowly walking towards me.

"Ah Hinata-Kun to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Rolling my eyes I speak, worry clearly written in my voice.

"Have you seen Y/n at all?!"

He looks at me and smiles. "Why Y/n-sama? Yes I just saw them on the third island, sitting by the beach."

A wave of relief washes over me, and without saying a another word to Nagito I started to walk to the third island.

"H-Hey Hajime!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Your POV/

I let out a small sigh as I closed my eyes.

Y'know if we weren't forced to kill each other this island could've been really nice...

With my eyes still close I listened to the waves.




Out of no where I felt a hand on my shoulder-

"KAHHHHHH!!" I practically jumped six feet in the air.

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