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"Well," you looked down to the ground raising your hands in a grand gesture, then motioned towards kabu in the center who was watching through the door, "we've gotta set up for the night."

Raihan opened the door, letting you go first, "Kabu, where do you stay? We'll be heading out In the morning."

"It differs on wherever I'm closest but I usually have supplies everywhere." Kabu kneeled under the counter he stood at, pulling out a box. Inside held a bunch of stuff but you could make out a couple of bedrolls and a gas stove burner. You hadn't seen one of those in a while.

You pulled out the dead rotom phone, staring cautiously at it, why had it randomly died? How come the rotom terminal was fine? You stuffed it back into your bag. Your thoughts rejoining Raihan's and Kabu's conversation.

"How long have you had some of this stuff." You asked, picking up an item and examining it.

"A while before the outbreak." Kabu watched the door, fidgeting with his mask.

"That reminds me," Raihan slipped off his backpack, opening it with a loud zip before pulling out a book. "I was looking through the archives in Hammerlocke, and I found this."

"A fairytale book?" You raised an eyebrow, looking at him in disbelief. "What has that got to do with anything."

"It's not a fairytale, it's a myth, kinda like how the darkest day was." He passed the book over to you, letting you flip through the pages. Your brows furrowing as you skimmed over each page.

"I see why you need to get to Sonia's now, but how did you even get this isn't the archives full of spores?" Raihan tensed, slowly confirming the state. You glanced to kabu,

"I guess it isn't impossible... but if you turn on me I won't hesitate." He shook his head,

"Don't worry it was a few weeks ago." You let out a grunt, passing the book back.

"You better not be lying."

"Pinkie swear I'm not."

You let out an exasperated sigh, "whatever."

He passed the book so Kabu could see it, the sound of him flipping pages filling the otherwise silent air.

"So, if you were to follow this, how on earth do you think you're gonna locate it?"

"Well, I'd assume it'd be the center of that giant spore storm you can see from anywhere in the region," Raihan said,

"That's a death sentence, you have any idea how many mutated pokemon and people are in that storm? Shit, how do you think Hop fucking died!" You had leaned forward at the resurfacing of unwanted memories, pointing a finger into Raihan's chest.

"I didn't know." Raihan mumbled softly, "but there's a way, it's in that book."

"the golden eye? Where are you going to find that?" Kabu asked, staring quizzically at raihan.

"I don't know. We'll have to cover the whole region if we're unlucky."

"'We're?' I'm not doing this." You leaned back, frowning at the thought.

"Oh... that's okay I can do it myself," raihan said, probably not as enthusiastic as he had hoped.

Just get him to Sonia's and see him off, that's all you needed to do, easy enough, maybe you'd consider retiring after this. You turned away, laying down on a bedroll kabu set up, and tried to sleep.

You glanced around, this place was not the poke-center you had fallen asleep in, no. It was the wild area. The storm of spores approaching.

"You ready to see what's inside that storm?" Hops cheery voice rang out, you turned to look at him, eyes wide and glossy. He never turned to look at you, adjusting his gas mask tighter.

"Whatever happens, just come back unscathed." You shot your head to your other side, seeing Leon staring nervously down at his brother.

"Wait this isn't a good idea." You desperately cried, falling on deaf ears. "Hop! Leon! No stop that's a death sentence!"  Your stomach lurched as the floor fell from before you, dust-like specs waiting near the bottom, frantically you patted your body trying to find your mask before your untimely demise.

You shot up from the roll, gasping as your chest burned before falling back, you turned your head to look at raihan who was already staring,

"That's creepy yknow." You grumbled quietly,

"I guess it would, I just wanted to see if you were okay. You talk in your sleep." You emitted a low throaty grumble in response,

"Yeah, just... just a nightmare."

"Are they frequent?" Was this some sort of interrogation? You furrowed your brow, slowly nodding, "mine has been too, at least since the outbreak."

"Isn't that the same for everyone though,"

"I guess," he hummed, you watched him fiddle with his sleeve for a bit before sighing,

"I'm making up my mind whether I want to help you or not, I'll let you know when we get to Sonia's," he shot his gaze towards you, staring rather wide-eyed before a large smile overtook his features, "just don't make me regret it."

"I won't, I promise."

"Good, I think I could use a companion." You turned away before you could see his reaction, falling back asleep shortly.

In the morning, you both helped kabu pack up the supplies in the center before leaving, having him send you off back into the wild area.

"Alright if everything goes according to plan we should get there in about 4 hours." You stated, looking around for the giant storm, "how do you even plan on finding the Eye?"

"Well, I was planning on hitting the pop-up settlements first, see if they have any info before I began exploring the buildings."

You hummed, "and you're just gonna try to give it back to the thing? What if you get attacked and infected before you can do that?"

When he didn't respond you stopped in your tracks turning to look at him, "Raihan?"

"I can't answer that question, but it's not something I'm worried about."

Immunity [Raihan x reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن