"Oh, MUCH better than mine."

"Oh shush. I tried my best."

"I'm just joking Kaycee, it's amazing. Thank you." he picked u her hand and brought it up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Mother, Father, its good to see you," Sean said, welcoming them into the house.

"My son. How are you?" His mother asked pulling him into a hug.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you."He said, pulling out of the hug and leading them to the living room.

He sat them down as Kaycee came into the room, quickly followed by Agnes, who placed a tray of tea on a table and left. Knowing from living with her parents, Kaycee quickly walked over and began preparing the tea for their guests. She watched Sean open his mouth as if to protest, but quickly brushed him off before any noise could be made.

"I trust the two of you have settled in well?" Sean's mother asked

"Indeed we have, mother." The boy replied. Kaycee stayed quiet as she gave the cups to the adults, then Sean and sat down on an armchair with her cup sitting close by, allowing the boy to talk with them.

"Good, and you work? That's going well too?"

"It's great, everything is fine." Sean smiled at his Mother. Agnes walked in again, this time holding a tray filled with pastries for the group. The younger two gave the woman an appreciative look as she walked out.

"Caitlin, would you be a dear and get some of those for my wife and I." Sean's father asked, almost demandingly. Kaycee saw Sean's nostrils flare and eyebrows knot and his father words but she didn't say anything to him.

"Of course, Mr Lew." Kaycee got up from her seat, and made her way over to the food, grabbing a small china plate and filling it for them, she handed it over to the two, faux smiling as she did. She got another plate and did the same for Sean, giving it to him too and then sat down herself. However, she was bearly able to take a breath before Mr Lew piped up again.

"Ah, my tea has gone tepid," he said, placing his cup down in a repugnant manner. He looked at Kaycee in an almost expecting manner, which she quickly picked up on. Sean balled his hands into fists.

"I'll have a new pot put on, Mr Lew." she got up once again, heading for the door. As she passed Sean on the way out, as discretely as she could, brushed her fingers against his hand in hopes it might clam him down. She saw him look up at her releasing a breath.

"What are you doing here Caitlin, do you need something? I will get it for you." Agnes said as soon as she saw Kaycee entering the kitchen.

"No, Agnes. Mr Lew wants new tea, I thought I might as well make it." she sighed

"What's wrong?" she elder woman asked, pulling the kettle on before the girl could do so. "Come on, I can see it in your eyes."

"I forgot. Charles is so kind and forgiving, I forget how ignorant some people can be. It was the same with my parents. They were always so controlling and demanding towards me and our staff. It's simply ridiculous. We're all people, we all deserve at least a little respect."

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid that's just how it is. None the less, your boy's a diamond in the rough, dear."

"Indeed he is." she smiled to herself.

"Come on now, the teas ready." she ushered the girl out of the room, tea in hand.

Upon entering, Kaycee saw the boy and his parents in seemingly friendly conversation. She sorted the tea and sat herself down, listening in.

1895 - sean & kayceeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora