A Lost Battle

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(Image not mine)


Flying was so much better than horseback riding. For one, your bum didn't hurt the entire time. And two, the views were beautiful. The griffins that carried us were silent as they flew, carrying us in their talons.

Edmund and I were chosen to fly into the telmarine castle in the dead of night to take out the watchtower guards before signaling for the others. Thankfully, Ed brought his new torch into Narnia and it served as the perfect signal.

We were getting closer to the towers now so I readjusted the pipes around my neck. At Aslan's How, the Narnians showed us our belongings that have been saved for generations in the hope that we would come back. My pipes, as well as our crowns and some of my old dresses, were there, and I was so glad to have them back.

I looked over at Edmund just before my griffin dropped me on the first tower, giving him a small nod. He nodded back and continued to fly to the second tower, making sure to keep out of sight of the guards on each tower. When I dropped, I landed silently on the roof, something I had perfected in my training with Oreius.

I peeked over the edge of the roof and watched as the only guard there paced back and forth. Nimbly, I leaped off of the roof and landed just behind him before tapping his shoulder. He turned around in surprise and I immediately punched him in between the eyes. He groaned and stumbled backward a bit before I elbowed him hard on his helmet. His eyes rolled back and he promptly fell towards the ground but I caught him before his armor could make a sound.

I applaud myself for a job well done before peering through the darkness to look for Edmund. I chuckled after I saw his griffin carrying the guard away, probably to drop him off a cliff or something. Edmund caught my eye, making sure I had done my job before switching on the torch. He turned it on and off repeatedly, signaling our forces on the ground.

At this moment, hundreds of Narnians were finally leaving the forest, most for the first time in their life. My heart ached to know that they could not go where they pleased freely. The rustle of feathers alerted me to the other griffins above, each one carrying either Susan, Peter, or Caspian. Oh, and the dwarf.

I watched them disappear behind some towers and sighed. Now, all we had to do was wait. I turned to see what Edmund was doing to entertain himself and nearly laughed out loud at what I saw. My dear husband was twirling and jabbing his torch as if it were a sword, moving around the platform as swiftly as he would with an actual sword. Grinning goofily, I leaned against the stone railing and propped myself up on my elbows to watch him. After a moment he noticed me staring and smirked, leaning his back against the railing, twirling the torch around his finger. All was well for a moment before he fumbled with it, losing control. I held my breath as the torch fell one story to the next platform, making a loud clatter.

A guard quickly opened the door and looked curiously at the object. Edmund stood up, ran inside the tower and down the stairs until he leaned out of a window just above the guard. I watched in amusement as the soldier switched the torch on, jumping back as it shown right into his face. He moved it around so that it didn't shine into his face but that meant it shown towards our forces. They might think it was a signal.

Just as Edmund jumped onto the guard, a bell tolled. I cursed silently and turned to run down the tower. They knew we were here. I ran out into the courtyard just in time to see Peter running towards us.

"Now, Ed!" he shouted. "Signal the troops!"

"I'm a bit busy, Pete!" Ed shouted back as he wrestled with the guard at the top of the tower.

I wrapped some vines around one soldier before calling to Peter. "I've got it!"

He nodded and went to fight with two more soldiers as I scrambled up the steps to Edmund. The armored man was on top of him, pinning him to the ground with a dagger at his throat. I ran forward and kicked the man off while blowing into my pipes, willing some more vines to push him off the side of the tower. Edmund gasped a thank you and grabbed the torch, but it wouldn't turn on.

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