Chapter 1

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Two Ardoni sparred with wooden swords, a young Sendaris, barely strong enough to wield it, and an old Kaltaris, upon a lush green hill, so long ago that the hill is most definitely not lush today. The Kaltaris spun around and kicked the Sendaris, knocking him down. He helped the young Sendaris to his feet and said, "Always be kind to your enemy, Tempest. They may become your greatest ally some day."

"Yes, Master Firenis," Tempest said, committing it to his memory and engraving it in the serene metal walls of his mind - along with hundreds and hundreds of other lessons. But this one... this one would prove to be the one that saved many, many lives. 


Airiox swirled his sword in a loop, the enchantment gleaming and humming in the cool night air. The only other sound, the breathing of the enormous monster retreating into its cave beneath the towering form of Mt. Velgrin, became louder than before, and suddenly it leaped at him. He dove to his left and somersaulted away, but retreated quickly at the surprising sight of the monster right in front of him. He slashed up and created a huge scar in the monster's side, but the enormous animal didn't even seem to notice.

He tried another fake and it seemed to work this time. He climbed up its leg quickly and nimbly got on its back, plunging downwards. The monster roared and threw Airiox off its back, but the sword remained in it. The monster turned around and lumbered towards him, outraged.

As it cornered him against a pine tree, a quick whooshing noise came from their left and suddenly an arrow poked into the monster's side, and it yelped in pain, looking off. Airiox took the opportunity and used his Mobilileap Song to shoot straight up and come down on the monster with a smash, activating his Aggressium Song and obliterating the monster into a few piles of ash.

Airiox turned around to thank his savior when he saw seven Ardoni - Ardoni with red markings - standing there, all armed with iron weapons, and one with a bow with string still vibrating. The one in the middle was armed with a diamond axe however, and started advancing towards Airiox.

"Well, look at what we found," he said in a low and distorted voice. "Who might you be?"

Airiox stood frozen with disbelief. The Voltaris? Thalleous hadn't been lying after all! They were returning at last. "You-you--" he struggled to talk. "You're Voltaris," it finally came out in a whisper.

"Yes, you finally figured it out! We will return from the shadows, and the--" the lead Voltaris was stopped in his sentence as another Voltaris suddenly fell dead onto the grass, markings faded and Songs materializing. The other six turned around confused, and there stood a second Sendaris, weapon still tingling with Aggressium energy. His dark blue markings, on the verge of purple, glowed with an almost godly light. He held a great diamond broadsword, similar to that of Airiox's, but bigger and more enchanted. He also had a diamond staff strapped to his back. He pulled his sword back after the Aggressium Song died down a bit. One Voltaris went to see the one on the ground, and another shielded them from the new Sendaris that had shown up.

"Voltaris. You are returning after all." he spoke in a steady voice. "You will pay for what you have done. All four Ardoni clans attacked and slain, innocent citizens, just for the sake of the Prime Songs."

"They were ours to begin with," said the lead Voltaris. "And you lying thieves stole them. I am Hallux Voltaris, lieutenant of Tygren and advisor of Ingressus himself. And you must be..."

The Sendaris spoke again. "My name is Tempest Sendaris, current Ardoni champion after the death of Thalleous. Thalleous Sendaris, whom your master killed. For that, you shall pay the same fee as he paid him." Tempest raised his sword and activated his Aggroshock Song. The Voltaris dove to the side. It was only now that Tempest put any energy into thinking about Airiox, who he had noticed when he had first arrived, but hadn't paid much attention to. He ran towards Airiox, who had become visibly confused. The Voltaris regrouped angrily, but Tempest and Airiox were nowhere to be seen, disappeared into the thick and sloping forests surrounding the hills at the base of Mount Velgrin.

Songs of War - The Unsung Heroes: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now