Chapter 1

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Aphrodites POV

If someone had told me 7 years ago "hey! You! You're a witch" I would have laughed. I would have laughed so hard the air from my lungs would disappear. but now, in two days on my eleventh birthday, everything could change. I could go from the normal life I have now to transferring to a new school. With witches. And wizards! How crazy is that??

When I was younger, I never believed in the existence of witches, wizards, dragons, goblins, or anything of the sort. But now that I think of it, it was quite obvious. Ever since I was younger, I was deemed "special". When I got angry things would happen. People would get hurt. I had just thought it was a coincidence. I could feel things. Then, when I turned 9 my parents finally told me the truth. That wizards and witches existed. Now of course I thought they were playing a practical joke. That was until they took out their wands and did a spell. It was a simple spell. It lit up their wands. I was in absolute awe. They told me all the wonderful things about being a witch. All the new places I'd go, and things id see. But they also told me something that haunted me for the rest of my life.

They told me, not long ago there was a wizard. He was very powerful. He went into a wizard school and became one of the top students. His name was Tom Riddle, now something happened along the way which made him decide to be, how do I say this... dangerous? Evil? Psychotic? Oh, I know, a killer. He was very dangerous. It was said he hated muggle borns and half-bloods. I didn't know what that meant at that time until my mom told me. He hated anyone that was born in a regular human family, or with a human parent. That's so discriminatory! He changed his name or Lord Voldemort (that made me laugh. I mean, Voldemort??? That sounds like a type of medicine that would help you with constipation!) to instill fear upon others. Then, one day he broke into a family's home. The potters. He killed the husband and wife James and Lily. Apparently, he tried to kill the tiny infant, but failed. He ended up becoming weak and disappeared completely. After that, no one ever saw the boy ever again. He was known as the "Boy Who Lived". scary right??

So fast forward to today. In two days I am turning 11 years old. On every witch and wizards 11th birthday they receive a tan envelope. The most important letter of their entire life. The Hogwarts letter. The Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Cool right? I really really REALLY hope I get accepted. My older sister got accepted waay before I was born. She works at the ministry of magic now.

Oh right! How rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. Well, my name is Aphrodite Sparks. My Mom wanted to name me after a greek goddess and so did my dad so they thought "which one?". Then, I was born. My mom instantly said "we have to name her aphrodite". Shes the goddess of beauty and love so that's why they named me that. Its pretty weird. When I was young my friends could pronounce my name right so they just went with Aph. I don't know why, but it stuck. So now my friends call me Aph. Ive lived in London my entire life, so thankfully I don't need to move very far If I get accepted into hogwarts.

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