Chapter Four

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Hey guys. Thanks again for everyone who checked out my book. I really appreciate it and I hope you are enjoying it so far. I’m trying to update more often so be patient with me. Thanks again!!

Ali <3


“What’s wrong” Zac questioned.

“I came here with Dylan” I replied.

“Well, we can get the keys from his pocket and take his car.”

“No, you already almost killed him and i don’t think you want to push it as far as stealing his car.”

He placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face, forcing my gaze to lock with his. “Hey, he deserved to be tortured and killed for what he did to you and if I wasn’t so concerned about you, that’s exactly what I would have done to him.” He growled.

“I know, but we still shouldn’t steal his car. I’ll just call someone to pick me up.”

“Ok.” He replied as I pulled out my phone to call my brother. I remembered that he had found his mate and would most likely be “busy” right now but hey they needed a break sometime and I had no way of getting home. I could have called my parents but being the good little sister I am decided to disturb my brother instead.

“WHAT?!?!?” Jared growled into the phone, when he finally answered. Yeah, they were definitely “busy”.

“Jared, I need you to come pick me up, please.” I said

“Why? What happened? Did Dylan do something?” he replied, his over-protective side coming out immediately.

“Umm, we can talk when I come home but can you please come get me.”

“Ok, I’ll be there in a sec. Wait, where are you?”

“Do you know the road that has that outlet mall with the gas station right next to it?”


“Continue along that road until you see a dirt road. Then follow that road until you come to a clearing on a cliff. I’m there.”

“Ok, I’ll be right there. Are you sure you’re ok Jessica?”

“Not really but can you just get here.”

“Yeah I’ll be right there, bye.”


I hung up the phone and let my gaze trail back to Zac, who was looking at me with a worried and confused expression.

“What?” I asked

“You’re awfully calm for someone who was almost….raped.” he said. I noted how his jaw clenched and his eyes flashed gold in anger when he said the word ‘raped’.

I put a comforting arm on his forearm, trying to calm him down with my touch while acknowledging the sparks shooting through my body and replied. “I honestly don’t know why I’m this calm but I think it has something with you being here with me.” I said smiling at my corny remark.

He smiled at this and was about to reply when we saw a car come to a stop in front of us. I immediately recognized it as Jared’s Lexus GX. He immediately got out of the car and rushed to my side, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. “What happened are you ok?” He asked as he pulled away but keeping his arms around me. Before I had the time to respond I was pulled away from Jared and pushed behind Zac who was in a protective stance while he growled and said “MINE!!” Obviously not knowing that Jared was my brother.  Before I had the time to respond, Jared said, “Dude, What the Fuck?”

I twisted out of Zac's hold behind him to face him and put my hand on his well-muscled bicep and said to him reassuringly, “Relax, he’s my brother.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” He said while nodding apologetically at Jared.

I then turned to Jared and said “Umm Jared, this is my mate, Zac.”

“Wait I’m confused. What happened to Dylan?”

“He um….” I started but Zac interrupted by saying with a growl “That fucking bastard tried to rape her no more than an hour ago.”

“WHAT?!?!?! Are you kidding me here? Where is that fucking prick, I wanna teach him a lesson.”

“I already did.” Replied Zac pointing a finger, where Dylan still lay unconscious.

“Is he dead?” Jared questioned.


“Well, he’s gonna be!”

“No, Jared please don’t.” I said as I walked in front of him, stopping him from proceeding to Dylan.

“Why? He deserves to die for what he did to you, Jessica. Don’t try to defend him.” He replied angrily.

“I’m not, I just…I wanna go home, and not have anything to do with him again. Please can we just leave him. I really don’t wanna be here right now.” I pleaded.

“Ok, but we are going to talk about this with mom and dad when we go home.”


With that we all headed into Jared’s car and we made our way home.

 As soon as we stepped through the door mom and dad was in the foyer pulling me into a hug.

“Oh my baby, what happened? Jared told us that you had called him to pick you up and something was wrong but didn’t say what.” my mom said.

“Um I’ll explain everything in a sec mom, but first, I want you guys to meet someone. Mom, dad, this is my mate, Zac Weston and yes dad, Zac Weston as in Alpha Weston’s son.”

“Hi ma’am, sir.” Zac said as he shook my mom and dad’s hand.

“Oh please call us Julia and James, we’re family now” my mom said returning the shake.

When my dad shook his hand, however, he said, “You know your dad and I use to always joke about how one day our kids would be mates, but never in my life would I think it would actually happen.”

“But you know” my dad continued “I’m still going to have to have a little chat with you and I’m sure Jared will wanna have a talk with you too.”

“Yea, I expected as much sir…I mean..uh…. James.” Zac replied nervously.

“Now as happy as we are for you two, we still have a situation to discuss, Jessica?” My dad said.

“Everyone to the family room. We can talk there. But first of all Jessica, are you ok, are you hurt honey? Do you wanna check the pack doctor just in case?”

“No mom, I can assure you, I’m fine.” I said smiling lovingly at my mom. A smile, that she returned.



I woke up this morning and the ideas just started coming to me, and when I started typing, I just couldn’t stop. Lol.

 Hoped you enjoyed this chapter and don’t forget to COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN!!!!

Ali <3

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