Chapter 1

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The door slams open when a svelte figure pops in walking confidently to the teachers desk. They whisper a bit untill the girl takes a sit next to Ben. Vera continuing her class seemingly annoyed afterwards. She asks us to come to the center of the class around a pedestal where was seated an rectangular shaped rock.
"Your task is to find and execute an incantation that melts the rock."
Nicole proceeds to try a melting incantion usually sucessful on regular objects, but ends up with no result from the stone not even a Little shake. Nothing.
Alisa tries next also unsucessful.
Then Ben tries with no result just as well.
Vera looks around class with a disapproving glance. "That just proves how little interest you all have and how much none of you read."
Everyone goes back to ther desks when the strange girl walks up to the pedestal, takes a Look at Vera than places her hand on top of the rock and in a matter of seconds the rock starts melting under her palm drooling around the pedestal and on the floor.
Vera looks at her Even more annoyed than she was already and sitting up with her arms crossed dissmissing the class early. One thing. She. Never. Does.
Everyone starts gathering their notebooks and leaving just as the new girl when Vera stops her.
"Not so fast Miss Coventry."
Jack looks over to Hamish who was looking at him "Coventry?" They whisper to eachother. Vera looks over to them "This is going to be a private conversation."
With another surprised Look the two leave the classroom.
"And Tell me again, why exactly did you get expelled for?"
"I got caught in the middle of a so-considered dangerous incantation, accidently burned the Lab, but its not as bad as it sounds i swear."
She is interrupted by a letter that suddenly appeared behind Vera, the second Vera picked it up spotting the emblem of her ex college she rushed grabbing it from Veras hand and tearing it to peaces in the trashcan. "Nothing important there, probably just a grade resume." With a single hand movement the letter is back into Veras hand intactly.
"Vera Stone,
We've made the decision to expell your daughter Eve Coventry due to the various problem she caused while attending our classes and the rules that she did not bother to follow altough she knew the consequence of getting banished. Along those problems I can call:
- practicing superior magic unsupervised;
- use of dangerous incantations and potentially life-threathening spells;
- organising an orgy inside campus;
- skipping mandatory classes multiple times;
           Sincere apologies, Marcus Aldegard
           Aldegard university, The Attenua Order."
"Skipping mandatory classes, use of dangerous incantations, an orgy? My god!"
"I only skipped class five times and three of them was because i wasn't feeling well, and an orgy on lupercalia is technically not an orgy, more like celebrating."
"How do you Even have Access to dangerous incantations?"
"You are sooo grounded!"
"I am 22, you can't really ground me anymore."
"Oh, trust me, I can."
"Yeah whatever, untill then Find me a room in campus."
And with all that Said Eve left the classroom, rushing along the hallway to her friends car.
"Lets get a drink, my head feels like its about to fall off."
"Dont need to Say it twice."
"So, how did she React? Was she shocked or something? Pissed? Almost hugged you?"
"Oh she was angry, like really angry i dont Even understand why its like she didnt expect to see or hear from me again ever when she sent me Away."
"Oh thats rude."
"Yeah Attenua Even sent her a personal letter explaining why they expelled me and apologising for it."
"Wait, what?"
"Like, was it really necessary to mention the orgy? Its not like anybody complained."
"You should organise one here. There are some real hotties walking around campus."
"Yeah there are." Said Eve looking to a specific someone she noticed the second she entered class this afternoon.
"Or like a self-welcoming party."
"How lame would that be."
"Anyway why are you still here?"
"Eh, decided to skip classes."
"Erm, how many classes?"
"Three days."

*phone rings*

"Hello, Who is this?"
"Its me." Says Vera visibly indignated.
"There are no rooms, you can either stay with me or share rooms with your old friend miss Drake."
"Then i hope Drakes better company then you are."
"Room 516, classes start tomorrow at 9."
"Did i Say i come to class?"
"No, I did."
And with that Said Vera picked up.


With a knock on the door a smiling blond pops up but her Smile seems to fall Off when seeing the brunette.
"Hi friend, long time no see!" Says Eve walking inside the room through Alissa.
"Lillith Bathory! Oh my god is this turning into an old gang reunion? Don't Tell me you invited Chloe too!"
"No we didn't. Don't remember inviting you either." Says Lilith
"What are you doing here?" Asks Alissa curios while closing the front door.
"I'm moving in. But it's only temporary, i promise. There are no more rooms avaliable in campus and turns out yours is the bigges. Being Veras favourite student does have its perks huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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