Chapter 18: Moment of truth

Start from the beginning

"Sssuuurrrreee you were." Ramon added, making Hawk fist bump Ramon.

"Anyway, when I heard him in the parking lot, yelling, something like 'You wanna be his father?' He was pissing on the LaRusso Auto Group logo on his new car... and he was drunk. When I asked if everything is all right, he yelled that we were all gonna die." Bert explained. Ramon's eyes widened.

"Shit... and he hasn't been to the dojo in the last two weeks. Only reason why we were even able to train in there is because I picked the lock." Ramon reminded the other Cobra Kais.

"Bert, why didn't you tell us this earlier?" Aisha asked, now very worried about Johnny.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just so used fo seeing him drunk, it didn't seem like a big deal." Bert replied. Ramon sighed... Bert wasn't wrong... Johnny sure drank... a lot.

"Well, we're here, and he's not. So, it's officially a big deal. What if something happened to him?" Hawk replied.

"Like what?" Bert asked.

"Let's just hope that's not a question we have to answer." Ramon said as he grabbed his phone about to call Johnny.

"You don't think..." Hawk started to ask.

"No. Sensei would never kill himself. It's too pussy a move." Aisha pointed out.

"Maybe for sober Sensei... for drunk Sensei..." Ramom replied as he started to call Johnny.

"Look the hangover sucked, but I was sober for most of the week. I remembered I have you guys to think about and went to go get some shit ready for today." Johnny's voice informed his students as Johnny himself was walking towards them. Aisha and Hawk looked behind them to see Johnny walking to them.

"Sensei." Aisha said in relief.

"Had us concerned there, Sensei." Ramon said.

"No need. I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight." Johnny replied.

"Great. Let's sign up." Miguel said.

"Not yet. There's one more lesson, I have to teach you." Johnny told his students.

Samuel and the others got to the tournament grounds. Samuel felt a bit gittery and nervous, but excited.

"You ok, Samuel?" Daniel asked. Samuel nodded.

"Just feeling a little..." Samuel started to say.

"Nervous?" Daniel asked. Samuel nodded.

"Well, Mr. Miyagi once told me that it's not the quantity of karate you need to trust in... but the quality of your karate you need to trust in. Luckily for you, you have both quality and quantity. You all do." Daniel told his students.

"What you need to do now... is give a good fight. Whether you win or lose, it's about respect." Daniel told his students. The Miyagi-Do members nodded.

When Johnny taught his students the last lesson of No Mercy, Miguel yelled out "COBRA KAI!" As Miguel and Ramon were about to grab their gis, Johnny stopped them.

"No. You're not wearing those... time for you guys to see why I've been gone for a whole two weeks." Johnny told his students.

If it wasn't for Samuel being here, Samantha was sure she wouldn't be either.
"You ok?" Daniel asked. Samantha nodded.

"Yeah... my ex-boyfriend and everyone I know is here. I... I'm just hoping that Samuel...." Samantha started to explain but stopped herself. Daniel smiled.

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