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I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was December 3rd it was a beautiful day, the cold nipping at us. I remember the cold tickling my body causing me to shiver. Without a second thought you put your jacket around me a small blush crept across my checks the warmth of my blushing cheeks battling the cold like night and day. You didn't even notice probably because you thought it was just the cold. We were talking your face kind and care free then she passed by seemingly weightless practically flying. She seems like an angel, then I look at you and you look frozen but your eyes burn with passion. She seems so perfect I shouldn't hate her but I wish she didn't exist. The next few days seem like they're in slow motion, and I remember all the pain I felt as you put her arm around her shoulder your polyester jacket hanging off of her perfect body. I feel frozen in my tracks it's just polyester, but it was yours it has your memories and tears. I wish I was heather I wish I were even half as pretty as her maybe then you would look at me the way you do her. I don't know why I thought you would ever kiss me it's obvious you like her better, I hope Heather knows how lucky she is.

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