Chapter 2: the man with the mask

Start from the beginning

"Lied too? I never lied to you!" He yelled. "Cut the crap. Ever heard of the names minato namikaze and kushina uzumaki?"

Hiruzens eyes widen even more. It seems he knew about his mother aswell. "Or what about the good'ol kyuubi?"

"Naruto..." hiruzen said visually sad. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you trust me!? I should've known! Don't ya think! I've always wanted to know who my parents were! I always lived with the thought that they abandoned me because they hated me! I thought I was a mistake! Do you know how much pain I felt when I thought about it! WHAT ABOUT THE KYUUBI!? I DESERVED TO KNOW THAT TOO! I LIVED IN PAIN AND SORROW MY WHOLE LIFE BECAUSE OF THIS THING AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT EXISTED! I trusted you! And you betrayed it. What was the point either way! I could've kept my mouth shut! It just shows that you didn't trust me enough. All those times you said you care of me as if I was your own grandson were probably lies too." Naruto said, tears leaking out of his eyes, walking right past the old hokage.


"Don't. Touch. Me" he threatened before disappearing into the darkness. 'Minato, kushina...did I make the wrong choice?'.

"Should we terminate him lord hokage?" An ANBU agent asked. Hiruzen shook his head. The ANBU nodded and went back to Mizuki to interrogate him.

As naruto was walking back to the village he failed to notice a red headed woman looking sadly at him and the old man. "What did you do hiruzen" she whispered before vanishing into white smoke.

Next day

The bed creaked feeling the weight of the 13 year old lifting his body on it. He looked around scratching his head in confusion 'How'd I end up here? All I remember is following Mizuki then blinked and I just suddenly found my self in my apartment'

'Come into your mindscape, I'll explain'

Naruto nodded and meditated on the bed. He opened his eyes and was immediately met by a hard slap that knocked him down. He held his cheek In pain looking up at his angry zanpakuto. "You idiot. You let your emotions take over of you letting her be able to influence you" He pointed to the kyuubi who just smiled and waved happily at him. "You took control of my body!?" Naruto yelled in shock. "Actually, like he said, I influenced you! All the things you did last night were all your darkest desires coming out thanks to my chakra!" She said puffing her chest out proudly. "That's the first step to getting our of here so yay!" The zanpakuto groaned in annoyance and snapped his fingers making the scenery around him and naruto change. "Woah what the heck!" Naruto yelled in suprise to be standing on a giant white fluffy cloud towering above the earth showing a perfect view of the land.
"Where are we?"

"You're soul"

His soul? What does he mean by that? "As in we're inside my actual soul?"

"Yes" he blankly replied

Naruto looked around amazed. The clouds looked so peaceful and beautiful just floating around blending with the purple and orange sky. He also looked down only to be terrified of how high they were. He quickly let it all sink in and asked a question "So why'd you bring me here?" He asked curiously. "Well I didn't want to hear that fox talk and I wanted to talk to you in private"

"Well what is it?"

"Never use her power. When you use her power it puts a immense strain on the seal that's located where your stomach is causing it to weaken. And if you continuously use her power over and over again, it'll get to the point where she'll be able to break out and escape while splitting you in half" he said completely seriously, looking at naruto. "So don't use her power. Got it"

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