“Your laugh is so cute.” Jay whispered in Fern's ear. Fern could feel her face burning. Fern was about to respond, but Jay got up to go change the movie and Aden quickly took his spot, putting a protective arm around Fern's shoulders. She could feel Aden was tense, so she snuggled into Aden's side as the movie started. She was excited to watch the light and happy movie, after that scary one. Getting into the movie, Fern and Aden would belt out the lyrics to every single song, while Jay chuckled here and there, sending them amused glances. All too soon, the movie had ended and Fern's smile turned into a small pout. Jay stood up and stretched while turning around to face Aden and Fern.

“It's getting late, I should go. It is Christmas Eve after all.” Jay drawled, looking at the clock on the wall. Fern nodded in understanding, a sad smile appearing quickly on her face.

“We're going to miss you.” Fern told Jay, hugging him tightly.

“Not me.” Aden added, his presence soon close behind them. Fern gasped and broke the hug, turning around and smacking Aden in the arm. She looked at him with a stern expression while Aden looked right back, his goofy grin making it so hard for Fern to stay mad at him.

“Well, bye guys. Have a great Christmas!” Jay burst out. Fern turned around, and walked him to the door, Aden close behind. Fern waved happily after Jay as she watched him walk down the street and around the corner. Fern turned around and met Aden staring at her intensely, his smile sly and mysterious. Fern giggled nervously, turning back around to close the door. As she turned back around his smile was big and goofy once again. Fern smiled back, convincing herself that she was just seeing things.

“What do you want to do now?” Aden questioned, raising an eyebrow curiously. Fern's smile widened as she realized what she wanted to do.

“Let's go stargazing!” Fern announced, her eyes bright. Where Fern lived there were no street lights, so the neighborhood was always pitch black at night. She's been wanting to go out stargazing, knowing that it would be absolutely breath taking, but she never has gotten to it. Aden looked at her skeptically, an innocent and confused pout on his face.

“Stargazing? Doesn't that seem kind of boring?” Aden whined, just like how a little kid who didn't get the toy they wanted would. Fern didn't answer as she dragged Aden out into the freezing December air. Fern dusted off the snow on the swing and sat down, Aden slowly following after. Fern's breath caught in her throat as she saw millions of stars twinkling and shining above her head. She's never seen so many stars. Fern's mouth was slightly agape and her eyes widened, just like a little kid who witnessed their first Christmas morning. Aden left for a little bit and came back with wood in his arms. Fern snapped out of her trance as her gaze fell on Aden struggling on starting a fire. Fern laughed when Aden got a flame started before it burnt out, Aden groaning in frustration.

“Where did you get the wood?” Fern wondered, watching as again and again Aden attempting, then failing to start a fire.

“Your dad gave it to me, he also gave us these.” Aden replied, throwing two blankets her way. Fern gratefully pulled the blanket tightly around her as she stood up and took the lighter from Aden's hands. She lit the fire easily and the huge flames started to eat up the dry wood, the wood crackling in protest.

“I could have done that, my hands were just numb.” Aden defended himself, his tone embarrassed and his face bright red.

“Okay, say what you want.” Fern sang walking back to the swing. She wrapped her blanket even tighter around herself as her gaze shifted back to the stars. “Isn't it beautiful?” She said breathlessly. Aden shrugged his gaze also on the stars. Fern looked over at Aden. In the fire light his features were defined and sharp and his blue eyes even more blue than usual, she thought he looked very attractive. Fern felt herself blush as Aden caught her staring at him. He smirked and looked back towards the sky. “Do you think it's beautiful?” Fern went on, her cheeks still hot.

“I don't know what's beautiful yet. Ask me later.” Aden answered, looking at Fern, his gaze intense and his eyes twinkling in the fire light. Fern felt her face heat up again. She silently prayed that the lighting hid it. Aden and Fern sat in silence for a couple of moments before Aden looked at his phone. “I should go.” Aden spoke suddenly. Fern felt herself deflate as she stood up next to him.

“I don't want you to leave.” Fern complained, a pleading frown on her lips. Aden smiled, his eyes sending her an apology.

“I'm sorry, I'm sure my family will want to be with me for at least some of Christmas Eve.” Aden admitted, his smile widening to where you could see his dimple. Fern nodded in understanding. Fern was engulfed in a hug. Fern closed her eyes as she inhaled his familiar scent, and the same shiver went down her spine. Aden quickly kissed the top of her head where a small shock followed in the same spot. Fern was speechless, she had no clue what just happened.

“Goodnight Fern.” Aden called, as he hopped over the fence and disappeared. Fern was left standing in shock as she touched the place where Aden had pecked his lips moments ago, a tingling sensation still present.

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