"You can open your eyes now, Severus."

His heart dropped in his stomach.  He recognized that singsong voice.  He opened his eyes and smiled.  "Lucy."

She smiled back at him.  "Surprise."

He shook his head.  "I had no idea.  This is...amazing.  You've been here the whole time."

"Yes.  I thought it would be better to show you than to just tell you."

"You definitely surprised me.  I guess it does make sense though.  You told me of your special power and it is the same as Lulu's."  He frowned for a second, then smiled.  "Your names are even similar.  I don't understand why I didn't see it before."

Lucy smiled sadly.  "My sister used to call me Lulu all the time."

"Well, it's good to know."  He looked down at the floor like he was searching it for a hint of what to say next.  "Give me just a second to get myself together, Lucy and I will take you somewhere if you will come with me.  Is that okay with you?"

She twisted her hands nervously.  She hadn't expected to stay.  "Sure."

Severus nodded and hurried back into the back room.  Lucy assumed that those were his living quarters.  It was about ten minutes before he came back out.  He walked calmly over to his desk and pulled a key out of his pocket.  He unlocked the bottom drawer and pulled out at decorative wooden box.  He used the skeleton key on the same ring with the other to open it.  He showed it to her.  

"Here is where I keep all of your letters."

She smiled again.  "Neat.  All of yours are in a box as well.  I keep them under my bed."

He put everything back.  "Okay then.  Now, are you ready to go?"

Lucy looked down at the white sundress she was wearing.  "I'm ready."


She flinched as Severus took her hand.  "There is someone I want you to meet."

The two of them walked hand in hand out of his office and up to the first floor.  The corridors were empty.  Not many people in the castle were stirring around just yet.  Severus knew that the person they were going to see was already up though.  He took Lucy up the spiral staircase the gargoyle was guarding, saying the password, and knocked on the door once they arrived at their destination.

"Come in," a voice said from inside.

Severus opened the door and moved aside for Lucy to walk in first.  Albus Dumbledore was sitting at his desk pouring over a couple of books that lay open in front of him.

"Albus," Severus said, "I have someone I would like you to meet."

He looked up and his eyes widened a little when he saw Lucy standing there.

"Hello, sir," Lucy greeted him.  "I've heard a lot about you."

Albus smiled.  "Severus, is this the young lady you have been corresponding with this whole time?"

He nodded.  "Yes, Albus.  This is Lucy-"

"Dawson," he finished.  Albus stood.  "Ms. Dawson, it has been a long time."

Lucy stared at him blankly.  She had never met the man in her life that she remembered.  She looked at Severus and he shrugged.  He had no idea that Dumbledore knew her at all.

Seeing the confusion on both of their faces, he explained.  "I knew your parents, Lucy, the Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts professors at Moonlight Academy.  They were dear friends of mine.  The Ministry searched for you and your sister after the incident there to offer you a safe place to stay, but we couldn't find you.  Obviously."

Lucy smiled.  "Renee and I went into hiding.  We figured it best since Death Eaters were after us."

"That was smart," he commented.

Severus watched the two of them in disbelief.  He couldn't believe Albus knew her.

"Thank you, sir," Lucy said.  "But it didn't work.  Renee was killed a few years later.  Death Eaters."

"Any idea who they were looking for?"

"Yes.  Me."

"Do you know why?"

She gulped.  "Severus knows, but I would rather not discuss it at the present time if you don't mind."

Albus grinned.  "Of course not.  Forgive me.  Sometimes my curiosity is overwhelming even to me."

"That's alright."

"Well, I guess we had better be going," Severus said suddenly.  "I'm sure you have something to do, don't you, Lucy?"

"Yes, I should be going."

Dumbledore cleared his throat.  "Are you sure you can't stay for breakfast?"

Lucy frowned.  "Well, I guess I could."

Severus seemed delighted at that idea, even allowing his thin lips to curl into half of a smile.  "I think that is a great idea."

"Will I be sitting next to you, Severus?"

He nodded.  "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"It's settled then," Dumbledore said.  "I will see the two of you at breakfast."

They both nodded.  Lucy took Severus's hand this time, and they walked out of the office together.

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