Roman threw Alyse on the bed, climbing on top of her, pulling her wrists above her head with one hand, while undoing his belt with the other, sliding it off, using it to tie her hands to the bedpost. Alyse struggled to break free as Roman finished tying her to the bed.

"This is inhumane," Alyse screamed at Roman.

"This is for your own good. Don't worry baby; soon everything will be as it's supposed to be. You will always be mine," Roman said before leaning down and forcing Alyse into a forceful kiss. Soon I will wed you. Then I'll take you away and we can start your transformation as well...without Peter around to stop it from happening, Roman thought to himself.

Peter stood in the trailer glancing around at the mess he had made several hours prior. Peter felt his rage begin to rise again. But he knew he had to keep composed. How the hell did Roman know to come back to the trailer? That isn't important right now. What is important is that I find a way to stop his arranged marriage that is supposed to take place, Peter thought to himself. Peter was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing. Peter rushed over towards his cell, answering it without looking at the caller ID first. "Hello? Alyse is that you? Is everything alright?"

"Peter, it's me Destiny," Destiny said beginning to feel her heart break for her cousin. What have I done? I've caused more pain for Peter, Destiny thought to herself.

"What do you want Destiny," Peter growled out.

"I'm calling to see if you are alright," Destiny said.

"I'm fine. Nothing that I can't handle. Mind telling me how Roman knew Alyse was at my place," Peter asked.

"I-I don't know," Destiny tried to cover her tracks.

"Don't you dare lie to me about this, Destiny! Because I know you are the one who is responsible for Roman finding out that Alyse was here with me. You have been making it well known to everyone around you that you don't like Alyse and I being together. You truly have some goddamn nerve trying to play it off like you don't know how Roman found out she was here. I know you told him. Why do you hate Alyse so damn much," Peter growled out while slamming his fist down on the counter.

"Because I hate seeing you get hurt! Do you not realize how much it pains me to have to tell your mother about all the pain that you go through every time you and Alyse are together! You could find someone so much better," Destiny began.

"Yeah until they find out about my little secret that I have to hide. What normal girl would want to be in a relationship with a Gypsy who can change into a wolf? Because if I were to find a nice normal girl, and she were to learn my secret, she would run for the hills. Or did you forget that not every girl knows about my secret," Peter snapped. "At least with Alyse, when she learned my secret, she didn't run away from me. Alyse embraced the being that I am.

"Alyse also had a secret of her own that you did not know about, until I observed Roman's reaction to how close the two of you were," Destiny argued.

"A secret that she doesn't know about herself right now," Peter argued back. "If you're done attempting to tell me how to live my life, I have better things to do, other than deal with you lecturing me about how being with the woman that I love is bad for me."

Before Destiny could reply back, Peter hung up on her. Destiny looked at the phone before hanging up. What have I done? I have managed to cause even more pain for Peter. I'm failing at keeping him from having to deal with all of this pain. If only there was some other way to make things right with Peter. Unfortunately, the only way to make things right is by helping him get what he wants...and that includes Roman losing it and killing us, Destiny thought to herself before she spotted Andre walked through the kitchen with his jacket on. "Where are you going?"

"Judging by the look you have on your face, and overhearing the conversation you had with Peter, it sounded like it was all shot to hell. So, I'm gonna head over to his place and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid while he's pissed off. I'm gonna just sit there and have guy talk, drink a few beers. Don't wait up for me," Andre said getting ready to walk away, only to be stopped by Destiny.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on Peter for me," Destiny said.

"I'm doing it, because, he sounds like he could use someone right now. Like I said we don't need Peter doing anything stupid with his rage to accidentally hurt someone or himself," Andre replied before making his way out of the apartment. Andre made his way to the car driving over to the store to pick up some beer for him and Peter to enjoy together. Andre was about to enter the grocery store, when someone had rudely bumped into him.

The person stopped glaring at Andre before snapping at him. "Watch where you are walking you filthy Gypsy scum."

"It was you who walked into me. So, you should watch where you are going and apologize to me," Andre said realizing the person who ran into him was none other than Olivia Godfrey.

"Not a snowballs chance in hell," Olivia said before glancing at her watch. "Great. I'm going to be late for my important meeting. Useless Gypsy scum. The world would be so much better if they weren't around. Hopefully I can make it up to him for being a bit late." Olivia rushed off.

Who the hell is she meeting up with? I have to see so I can get something on the mighty Olivia Godfrey, Andre thought to himself before he began to follow Olivia. 

His captive bride (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 2Where stories live. Discover now