Chapter 16

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Roxanne's POV
I woke up yawning to a lovely morning with Gunmar surprisingly out of bed. I get up getting dressed Gunmar told me about him going with bular, karma, Nora, Nagisa, Satsuki, Jim and the rest of trolls the the new heart stone in trollmarket and he really wanted to go but he wanted me come but I didn't want to leave auntie barb she raised me ever since I was 6. I told Gunmar I needed some time to decide. I went to auntie barbs for some advice
*knock knock*

*opens door*

"R..Roxanne *huges* thank god your safe I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you"

"No I should be the the one to say sorry, I'm so sorry for choosing Gunmar I am so stupid"

"No hunny your a young adult and we all can do mistakes but it wasn't really bad at all you fell in love and that is okay"

We sat down and talked for a while she told me that I should follow my heart. We looked at some old pictures from years ago

"Look at this photo I remembered this after I gave birth to Jim in the hospital you came and sang me and Jim a song"

"Oh I remember that *giggles*"

" still remember the song"

(Both giggles and start to sing )
"My little brother safe and sound
I will protect you no matter what
And I will sing you to sleep
And when you cry I'll be there
I will save you no matter how deep
And I will always care for you
I love you little brother
I will protect you no matter what"

"Haha I remember that"

After we talked I went home to pack. Gunmar and I went to the hill that Jim told us to be. And there I saw nora, angor, bular,Satsuki, strickler,auntie barb and all of the other trolls. Jim finally showed up with Merlin and it was Time for Jim and I to say bye

"auntie barb I'm so sorry after mum died you took me in and gave me a home a brother and most of all love but I...I *starts to cry* I don't want to leave you, you might've not been my birth mother but your my mum to me and I can't thank you enough I love you so much and you mean so much to me"

"And I promised you that I wouldn't leave you mum"

"It's okay I love the both of you so much I want you both to enjoy your life and I love you so so much goodbye my beautiful babies and call me every day"

I look over to Ruth

"Aren't you going to say goodbye"

"About that rox... I am not actually joining you"


"I'm sorry but this is my home and I will help auntie barb and strickler with the children"

"*hugs* I'll miss you you stupid wolf"

"I'll miss you to sis"

I cried and waved Ruth and untie barb goodbye I didn't want to leave them they mean so much to me I took a last final look at them. We made our long way to New Jersey karma comes up to me Nora, bular,Gunmar
"So Roxanne does this mean your our mother"

"Pffft hahahahahahha good one sister thanks haha"

"*slaps* you two leave her alone"
It was bright daylight and we had to camp out for the day I was so tired I couldn't move. I saw Gunmar, bular and the kids asleep with each other I decided to join in.

Tears of tomorrow (trollhunters x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon