Chapter 3

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Roxanne's POV
I just moved into my new house and I had help unpacking my stuff with Jim and auntie barb
"There that should do it"

"Thank you guys I really mean it Thank you"

"Well it's okay if you need anything just call me okay and here's some money"

"No no you keep it"

"Okay well Jim and I are off bye"

"Bye rox"

"Bye guys"
And they left I was in my nice peaceful house now and I just kept thinking about Gunmar I started to wonder will he be back for me no he can't plus I need a shower that's all I wanna do.

Gunmar's POV
That was my only chance to eat but she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen just those beautiful green eyes, beautiful soft red hair and her sent, no I need to get close to this fleshbag maybe I can try going to the academy I need a look for my human form.

"Yes my under lord"

"Get me some clothes and teach me the beings of a human"

"Right away my lord"

Roxanne's POV

I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair than made my Japanese lunch. I finally got to school but there was a crowd in my class I go up to ask a question
"Um what's going on"

"Oh Roxanne there's this new hottie he says his name is zack you have to check him out"
I go up to see this zack guy
And we made made eye contact.

"Oh Roxanne there's this new hottie he says his name is zack you have to check him out"I go up to see this zack guy And we made made eye contact

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my teacher comes up to me and asked
"Roxanne can you show zack around the school please"

"Oh sure"
The teacher goes up to him and tells him to go with me
"Zack this is Roxanne she will show you around the school"
Then he goes back to the class room I turned to him nervously and did a cute smile and I felt something warm inside and put my hand out to shake
"Hi I'm Roxanne but you can call me rox for short"
He blushed
"My name is zack"
while talking him on a tour I noticed the band group I started at it and zack questioned me why I was staring I told him that I loved music and wanted to join a band but I couldn't. School was over for the weekend and I decided to ask zack if he wanted to hang out
"Hey zack"


"I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out this afternoon"



We walked back to my house and we went to my room and played video games then we went out to my favourite cafe to get ice cream I share my ice cream with him and it was truly nice.

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