Assigning cabins

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"Ok so in cabin 13 we will have Alison Swift, Christopher Sheeran, Crystal Butterfly and Rebecca Walters" a booming voice said over the tannoy. As Alison heard her name she perked up and ran over to the cabin with a number "13" in black paint on the door.

Two girls were already in the cabin, "hi" said Alison, trying to make friends "nice to meet you, I'm Alison what's your name"
one of the girls was blonde with blue eyes just as Alison was and one was brunette with green eyes.
"Hello Alison" said the blonde girl "nice to meet you too, I'm Crystal Butterfly"
"Hey Alison" said the brunette "I'm Rebecca Walters"

Just then, a boy with messy ginger hair bursted into the room.
"Hi" said Alison "I'm Alison this is Crystal and Rebecca nice to meet you"
"Hi nice you I guess, I'm Christopher" the boy replied, smiling nervously at Alison.
"Aww lovebirds" Crystal teased
"Shut up crystal I thought you were nice clearly not. he was only introducing himself" Alison replied
"Whatever" said Crystal "hey Rebecca, let's go see your sister down at cabin 19 and leave these two to go kissy kissy kiss"

"I don't get it" said Alison, tears streaming down her face
"Don't get what" replied Christopher.
"Just......cos.....erm ..........well." Alison stuttered "Rebecca and crystal were being all nice to me....... They were all saying like hey nice to meet you and all that shiz, almost acting like we were friends, then you came in and they were acting all....... Like not friendly anymore"
"Oh girls are like that" Christopher replied, but realised Alison was looking at him a funny way "well I mean........... girls like those are like that, I think you're really nice, Alison"
"" Said Alison not really knowing what to say
There was an awkward silence then suddenly a booming voice over a tannoy saying "children, please make your way to the main hall so you can be told information about your stay"

Sorry guys I know I haven't updated in like ages but please don't be mad at me. I've had lots of stress at the moment I'm so sorry, I'll try to update again as soon as possible I promise because I love you guys so much and I want to make you happy. So stay beautiful, stay strong and remember you are loved
Jessica 💋

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