chapter 9- the start of the war

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"Why?" Cap said in his that's-not-the-right-thing-to-do voice, "what makes you think that we will watch as you tear the world apart?"

"What makes you think that I will tear the world apart?" Kronos sneered.

"You literally just said that," Percy said, in a tired voice. His voice seemed to startle Kronos.

"What?" Kronos asked, but the voice wasn't the same as before. Then Kronos shook his head and yelled, "DO NOT INTERRUPT ME HALF BLOOD!" he bellowed.

"I didn't," Percy said calmly. "you asked a question, I answered it."

Everyone was a bit surprised at how NOT scared Percy sounded. He was the calmest person amongst them, even with the whole prophecy thing that was going on.

Even Kronos seemed a bit surprised, "I didn't ask YOU!" He bellowed again. YOU!" He yelled at Cap, "ANSWER ME!"

Cap looked confused, "you want to rule the world don't you, usually when people want to do that, they're evil."

"Don't talk of evil!" Kronos said, "everyone always things they are right. For them, whoever opposes them is evil. But that's not what evil is. Evil is wrong. Tell me, why do you think so many people joined my army? Because they felt neglected. Abandoned. Alone. The gods never cared about anyone, until they joined their enemy. What right do they have to suddenly PRETEND to care for them. I am not doing anything wrong. Your 'right' is just different from mine."

Tony had to admit that Kronos was convincing. Even Percy looked down when he said the last part about feeling abandoned. Tony grabbed Percy's shoulder and squeezed it. Percy looked up with a grateful expression.

"This is when the War starts Avengers," Kronos sneered, "let's end it here." (i thought war with a capital 'W' would be dramatic... is it??)

"No," a voice behind them said in a firm and calm voice.

They all turned to find Carol land, and behind her, a space ship. The moment her feet touched the ground, a new hope arose. 

"So be it," Kronos sneered, but in an urgent voice. "Be prepared."

Then there was a sound like someone had attacked a rock with a sword, and Kronos was gone.

—X— (<-- these things were time skips, right?)

Percy loved Rocket. And Groot. They had visited a few times before, and it turned out that Rocket and Groot also loved him. But they were all happy to see that Gamora was back.(please i wanted her to be back) Mantis and Peter were laughing about something in the corner. Drax just went around and stood VERY STILL anywhere. Gamora, Quill and Carol went to talk to the rest of the avengers. Carol went around talking to everyone. She went to Percy and told him that they last time she had visited he had been 7 years old. She told him that he had stayed up all night to hear her adventures, and when he finally fell asleep, he had drooled all over her. Percy awkwardly blushed, rubbed his neck and said he sort of remembered it.

"So," Cap said after he rounded everyone up. "Where do we go now?"

"We go to the official avengers headquarters." Tony said. Peter (Parker) almost choked on his spit. He coughed really bad. Wong had to rub his back to stop him.

"Wasn't it destroyed?" Cap asked.

"We built it again," Tony said. "I talked to T'challa. I gave him the designs and he built it."

Cap looked betrayed. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"Because." Tony said. "you can't argue with that."

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