The first meeting

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Artie started working at a korean restaurant since he started college. He needed to earn extra for projects and since he loves korean food, working here was a great idea. Today he was assigned to do deliveries and his first customer ordered a ton of food.

"He must be eating with his girlfriend or something"

He pressed the doorbell and waited for the customer to get his order. These bags were heavy and it was quite humid today which made the delivery even more difficult.


"Kuya, I think that's the food you ordered. Can you get the door for me? Am finishing up on my report, thank you."

"Sure thing sis. Finish up and get the table ready ok."

Reggie just got out of the shower and hurried out to the front door. He cannot keep the food waiting. Korean food is best eaten when it is still hot.


The door slowly opened and there stood a statuesque man who seemed to be fresh from the bath with his towel wrapped around his waist, which reminded Artie of Apollo or Hercules.

His jaw dropped and the customer smiled.

"Hi, I am sorry if I took so long to get to you. Is that everything that i ordered?" he pointed to the paper bags.

"Uh uhm, oh yes, yes sir..." trying to look for the receipt so that he could address the customer correctly. "Uhm Reginald Bernardo"

"Yup, that's me" he grinned.

"Just to verify everything that you ordered sir. This has 2 orders of japchae, bibimbap, kimchi, tteokbokki and a bottle of soju. The total is 737.80php"

Reggie reached out to get the receipt, handed him a thousand and took his order off of Artie's hands

"I cannot wait to dig into this with my sister. Thank you and oh, you can keep the change," and winked.

Artie helped close the door since Reggie's hands were full. As the door closes, he bit his lip and cannot understand what he was feeling. He walked back to his scooter and started pondering.

"What just happened? And who is that god-like person that I just met and why am I blushing?" Artie whispered to himself.

He went back to his scooter, felt himself blush and just shook it off. His day was off to a great start and he made his next deliveries with a smile that he cannot shake off.


"Kuya, you ordered a lot of food. Will we be able to finish all of these?" Cassie asked.

Reggie took everything out of the paper bags and spread them out on the table. He also had his sister bring out plates and silverware.

Cassie is now 21 and has grown to be just like their mom. She is taking up education because she wants to follow their mom's footsteps. Reggie is so ecstatic because she will be graduating with honors.

Setting up the table for lunch, they never forget to put a third set of plates and silverware for their mom. Sadly, she passed away two years ago because of CKD. She fought for her life but sadly they weren't able to find a donor because she won't allow her kids to donate theirs. It was so devastating but to be weak isn't what their mom would want them to be so Reggie & Cassie strived hard to get where they are now. They wanted to feel that she is still with them even in this small way.

"Mom doesn't like spicy food so I am taking her share," said Cassie.

He was grinning while finishing up preparing their meal, Reggie then asked his sister to sit down so that they can eat.

"Let's eat mom," he smiled looking at the empty chair on his right.

Cassie held his brother's hand and said "I know that you miss her, I do too, and I want to say thank you Kuya for making sure that I am well taken care of even if it was tough as hell and she would've been so proud of us for what we did after she left."

Trying to hold back tears, he smiled and started eating.

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