"Your scent gets sweeter as you age," Bakunawa told him in a sweet, enticing manner, rubbing circles around the moon god's waist who lets out a relieved moan while slowly drifting off to sleep.

"And when you age, the sea serpent from the depths of the ocean shall rise to swallow you whole," he whispered again, only this time, his tone was a bit serious while his eyes flickered in red as he looked at the guardian.
"I am scared," Libulan hummed, half-asleep, snuggling close to him as he smiled in his sleep, "but I know you will be there to take me away," the moon god added before he completely lost the battle against sleep.

Bakunawa let out a deep chuckle upon hearing his wordsㅡ so innocent, so fragile and so naïve of him to think that he will take him away from the serpent below that awaits him. With the sleeping figure of the moon god on top of him, he enjoyed brushing his hair as he listened to the soft snores of the latter. Completely worn out and comfortable with him.

"I was supposed to eat you tonight, but I guess it will have to wait," he grinned, laughing at himself silently before he kissed the moon god's head good night as he closed his eyes next.

A MOON songstress played a tune, inspired by their ever-loving, ever-humble, and ever-benevolent god Libulan.

The tune of gracefulness

Once this tune will be heard from all over the Lunar realm, all deities and creatures who lived there would wake up anew. With hopes embedded in their hearts since they finally have a guardian again whom they can be proud of. Young, old, woman, man, and child alike from the mortal realm are even celebrating this wondrous event. To see the Seven Moons glow back into the sky together as a sign that a new deity has been chosen to protect them from their travels and hunts during the night. They would offer lambs, and scented flowers, and dress up their males in their finest woven cloth and crafted stones to make them dance a ritual to please the moon god, Libulan. This has been an existing culture and tradition in a certain village that solely worships the moon deities.

The sun has risen from the east, where the Solar Realm stands with pride along with their guardian god, Apolaki. Another day for the mortals to begin their routines and another reason for them to do the task they did not get to finish yesterday.

Meanwhile, high above the clouds, where the Lunar Realm resides, it was evident on the moon god's face that he had a good sleep last night, and the reason why the second moon was visible in the sky even if it was still morning. It surprised mortals from below and considered this as a sign that this day would be blessed.

"There were so many offerings from different gods and goddesses last night, Our Chosen." A minor lunar goddess whose eyes were only looking at the tiled floor, told their newly awaken god who was busy picking between his silky gradient robe that only shows his bare chest or just settling for his usual elegant bahag, where everything is bare except for his lower region and inner thighs.

"Will I look good with this?" The newly blessed moon god wondered to himself, and of course, the minor goddesses replied in chorus that he will still look good in any sort of apparel for he is the guardian god of their realm. His divine features could not be compared to any mortals, deities even.
He is their one and only Libulan.

But for Libulan, it may be a pleasant thing to hear but deep inside, he was always doubtful of their behavior towards him. He felt like they were only doing this for him because they just think it was a duty they must fulfill.

"I… I see," he smiled a bit, looking away, before discarding the clothes he has on, then the attendants have their damp clean towels to clean the young guardian's hourglass-like body. After that, they would pour an amount of essential oil into his skin to maintain his glossy and glassy skin. Braiding his long silver hair, and the last routine would be putting a net-like blindfold over his silvery eyes.

"The goddesses have told us to have you put this on, Our Chosen. To avoid getting blinded from Apolaki's sun flare," the minor goddess attendant told him before Libulan could even ask, since it was an order from the two, he had no other choice but to let them be.

First, a veil over his face.

And now a blindfold?

He cannot understand what is going on with the two goddesses sometimes.

"What would be my agenda for today?" Libulan asked after being dressed up, with his flowy silky-made robe that reflects any lights that ever hits the fabric. His lunar earrings glimmer, bracelets that shimmer, and anklets that twinkle in every walk he makes.

He is divinely beautiful.

"Suppose to visit to the Sky World, Our Chosen."

The Sky deities have been expecting the arrival of the newly blessed guardian but to their dismay, Libulan chose not to visit the place for he felt unusually uncomfortable upon the thought of setting his foot on the trail of the Kaluwalhatian.

Fortunately, Mayari attended the said invitation visit and tended to the supposed to be duties of their dearest Libulan.

After all, he still, and will be, declining any invites.

This made the moon god a bit happy because he does not have to leave his palace, he enjoys being alone and spending his time with his books. Sometimes, he would just meditate to communicate with the Seven Moons, who were genuinely joyous to have him as their guardian god.

They may not be able to speak always but to make Libulan feel less lonely, they would show him silvery light figures embodying different creatures to please him.

Libulan was busy cultivating his power inside the training ground, surrounded by ten lunar guards to protect him from whatever that may invade, whose backs were facing him since they cannot lay their eyes on the moon god. Strictly prohibited unless you are an attendant who has to put on clothes and pieces of jewelry on the moon god, or the goddesses themselves.

'It's heavy, the feeling is so heavy,' Libulan whined to himself, pretending to control his power wherein he was just beginning to fall asleep. Being the "Chosen One" is not a nice title at all, it is exhausting and most of all, he cannot go inside his room and read the never-ending textbooks he has.

He wants to go back to how he was before, he was comfortable that way.

"Our Chosen, the god of Madjaas is waiting for you at the Lunar Hall."

An attendant suddenly announced and broke the eerie silence, earning terrified looks from every being inside upon realizing who the god was. While the innocent young god was puzzled, curious about what will ever be the reason for the untimely visit of the god who is feared by many deities and mortals.

"I guess I have to see what he has for today," Libulan let out an exasperated sigh, letting the attendants fix his hair and robe, giving him his sword as protection before proceeding to the Lunar Hall where Sidapa awaits.

He was standing tall, a golden crown was shimmering as his sylphs never left his side, gazing at the portraits of the previous guardians of the seven moons all were beautiful but his eyes never left the newly painted portrait of the youngest and only god of the Lunar Realm. Sidapa was captivated by how gentle and candid he looked, making him feel fluttering things down his belly.

The minor goddesses who worked and stayed at the palace where the powerful moon deities reside; can't help but get stunned at how godly and muscular Sidapa could be. He has these sharp features that would make you swoon over and knelt on your knees, praising the heaven-sent grandiose god of the Madjaas.

“Ahem... is there anything I could do to help you?"

A little turn he made, and everybody gasped either in fear or adoration; his remarkable golden honey orbs would always make most goddesses beg and long for him. Unfortunately, their strong bulky god is not liking any one if it is not named "Libulan".
Out of courtesy and adoration, he even brought a chest of gold bars, a sack of silver pennies, and a pot of sizzling meat made from different herbs that he cooked for the god of the Lunar Realm.

"Presents, I brought presents," he mused, the sweetest yet little smile he could ever plaster on his face as he walks towards Libulan to give him a red type of flower, a Gumamela they call. It is a fast-growing shrub on mortal soil that would be offered to someone they felt passion for and eventually, love, with.
Witnesses were enticed by his endearing acts, hoping that it would also happen to them, but they are fully aware of how one track mind the god of death is. He only has his eyes on the moon god and nobody else can change that. Not even Sidapa's godparents.

Libulan found it interesting, especially when the aroma of the sizzling meat went through his nostrils; his tummy made a call that it is ready to dig in anytime. Biting his lower lip to refrain himself from looking all hungry, he took the flowers and covered half of his face as he shyly looks away from Sidapa.

Sidapa was looking down on him, a god whose power is thrice as powerful as he has. He still cannot believe that this fragile-looking hourglass is the chosen guardian, what could be the possible qualifications to be a moon god, he suddenly thought.

"Do you still have rituals to perform, Guardian of the moons?" Sidapa asked as he eyed everyone who was looking, indirectly telling them to scram and leave him alone with the young god. Fearing the power that Sidapa holds, they had no choice but to leave the moon god and death god.

"I guess? It would be a bi- wait, where is everybody?"

A triumphant grin was carved on Sidapa's face as he motioned the other to walk first before him since they will be going outside for a walk, and he knew that Libulan would love this kind of thing. But of course, he asked permission from the two goddesses if he can take the moon god for a walk inside their realm, just so Libulan could see his subjects and the deities he has chosen to protect. He has to be familiar with his surroundings first before everything else.

It took the god of death to convince the godparents of Libulan, he certainly was not fond of these goddesses but for the moon god, he has to lower his pride. Malyari was quick to say yes, while Mayari did not give him any definite response but a deadly glare. Despite that, Sidapa chose to take the lovely, adorable moon god for a walk.

"Oh, my! I… I can go out?" Libulan beamed, his eyes twinkling in excitement, but Sidapa could not see them since he was wearing another veil on his head that is quite short than the former he used during the ceremonial ritual.

The god of death nodded his head with fondness as he smiled gently, and Libulan gasped in joy knowing this.

Though he was a bit hesitant about it for a second, he had to look back to the Lunar Hall and gave it a long glance. This place has been quite his comforting den and he wondered if one day, he has to leave the palace without the need to look back anymore.

Sidapa noticed this and he gently brushed his finger on the side of Libulan's cheek, "You need not worry, you will return before the sun would set. We won't be long," he reassured, making the moon god smile widely as he nodded his head, finally looking at the breathtaking view of the outside of his palace.

"I will see the children playing and the maidens singing!" he giggled in delight as he ran down the one thousand stairs of the Moon Palace, only to be mesmerized by the view and how refreshing the air was, it gave him another sense of freedom.

“Our Chosen one, you must wear this for your protection,” the attendants immediately showed up upon hearing the news that their god will be going out. It was a Haliya mask that he does not have to wear over his head, but to just carry it around his waist like an amulet. It will serve as a protection that once he will be hurt, warrior moon goddesses would respond in an instant.

“I am grateful,” he told them, gently patting their heads that made the attendants’ knees wobbled in glee that they could not stand up from it for a while.

Sidapa only grimaced.

He also wanted a pat.

Meanwhile, Libulan happily lifted his long, sparkling robe as he continued to run and laugh to himself. His sylphs were fluttering around him as if dancing to his majesty.
Sidapa was quiet yet happily following him from behind, watching his beloved finally grinning from ear to ear. The god of death couldn't contain his happiness as well, as he let one of Libulan's sylphs land on his shoulder. Just like the moon god, they were created heavenly and majestically. Silvery white, glittering, sparkling.

He cannot lose such moments; he wanted them carved on his tree - on his life.

"This god is here to escort you throughout the day, so please enjoy," he told Libulan in his most gentle manner, his sylphs flutters around Libulan and made the moon god flustered for no reason.

"T-Thank you," Libulan mumbled and when Sidapa was about to ask what he was saying - he completely ran off and laughed down to the village where his lunar people are residing.

Sidapa chuckled heartily, his chest was beating erratically like he was in a fierce battle, but the difference was that he wasn't holding a sword. He was holding a flower and it was dedicated only to the being he prayed to have for the rest of his life.

"The mountains may have to wait for my return," he smiled to himself before disappearing into the thin air to teleport himself to wherever Libulan is heading.
The whole day, he followed him around and casually leaves a glare on every being that sets their eyes on Libulan. It works every time, I mean - that is the god of death for you.

Odd as it may seem, the lunar residents did not recognize their own god probably due to the spell of the Haliya mask. They treated him like one of them but a little oddball at that since he would keep laughing and playing around the children despite having a bigger figure than them. His silvery white hair also was changed into a dimmed white hair, that does not shine nor glow in order to hide his identity.

Sidapa bought Libulan things and food that the latter would grab and take, Sidapa may look scornful and angry all the time, but his kindness is a very rare thing to witness or to even accept. He apologizes after Libulan made some Lunar children cry because the young god wanting their toys, too. Sidapa had apologized and given compensation to these residents, but he never find himself getting annoyed over the curious nature of Libulan.
Libulan for him looks ancient and naïve, even though he has a face that can trample any goddesses he met.

"I am so sorry! I-It is just, I never got to hold and own those things at the palace. Mayari would restrict me and forbid me from visiting this place, where my people are. They… they are such magnificent beings and I… am protecting them," Libulan sniffled, his hair was tangled from here and there, after all his marathons around the place. Making Sidapa just pop out of nowhere, freaking people out.
But his seriousness on the second line made him breathtaking to watch, it was the guardian side of Libulan speaking as he looked over village of his realm.

Sidapa wondered why he would get to have such a strict household, whereas, during his childhood godhood, his godparents were letting him do what he wants until his coming of age and he have to choose his divine sanctuary to perform his sole duty as a god. He finds it unfair to witness such delicate beauty being kept locked away from the wonders of every realm.

"I do not mind apologizing to millions of them, the spark in your eyes is the only thing that matters to me even if I cannot see them," Sidapa smiled a little as a little girl was pulling him to play, and then some kids joined to invite the death god over for some dance ritual. He excused himself for a moment from Libulan, to play with the children of the Lunar Realm, leaving Libulan completely admiring him.

"What a silly one," he shyly chuckled, looking away when Sidapa looked at him with a toothy grin on his face. He read that in most textbooks, the god of death is portrayed as someone who is not willing to be touched nor talked to unless he wanted to. Gods are not fond of him unlike most goddesses do, they dislike his presence and demeanor of ignoring even someone higher than him. But since Sidapa ascended at an early age of being a guardian, he was still respected and known throughout the realm.

Libulan felt his heart beating so fast, the same way with Bakunawa, only that this was quite slow and rhythmic.


Hello, this has been heavily revised so expect changes a bit! Thank you!

- Stilleaislengeach

Libulan, The Moon God (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now