A Few Too Many- Chapter 2

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Hello:)! Well i've written the first chapter and I'm hoping who ever reads it likes it and please don't forget to vote & comment about what you think of it. So yeah, keep reading:P


I waited quite impatiently as the ringing tone chimed in my ear for the third time then followed a crackling noise on the end of the line. ''Hello?'' A very tired sounding Lauren finally spoke. ''Hey, it's Immy, What's up with you?'' ''Nothing, I woke up not long ago and have this croak in my throat. So what's up?'' ''Well, my brother has intregued me. Instead of this whole being alone thing all day, why don't you, me and Charlotte go out? Just us girls, cause' being alone is really not how I want to spend this day.''

There was silence for a bit.. then finally, ''Sure, I'll tell Charlotte about it, see if she wants to. Where and when are we meeting?'', ''Umm.. we can all meet up at my house in like an hour, hour and a half?'', She exagerated a yawn down the phone before answering ''Okay, I'll see you then''.

Now what to wear? I slid off the small white leather sofa I was laying on and practically skipped over to my wardrobe in the corner of the room and opened it door by door. I took a step backwards to take in the view of the line of clothes in front of me and tried to picture a few outfits in my head before going through each hanger one by one.

Shorts, No. Jeans, No. Jeggings, Maybe. Leggings, Maybe. Crop, No. Kimono, Definately not. Blouse, Maybe. No, No, No, No. I layed all the maybe options out on my bed flat and stared at them, white blouse and leggings or white blouse and jeggings? I took me what seemed like forever but I finally decided to go with leggings.

After I was dressed I brushed through my messy bed hair, untangling each knot that the brissels snagged on, a few bobby pins later and it was back in its usual state. As I came out of my room and walked down the hallway I heard a door knob twisting from one of the surrounding doors and out came Kaden in his usual state.

''Morning slob'' I said passing him, he looked at me with his one open eye, the other one shut tight as though he had just woken up. ''What time is it?'' he croaked ignoring my comment, ''Time to get your ass up and get a job, by the way Damien's here.'' I answered moving swiftly into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

After hearing Kaden jog down the stairs I turned to the small head-level mirror above the sink and took in my appearence. I really wasn't the best looking in my opinion, although I had come to tolerate my flaws and accept who I was and what I had because at the end of the day there's no exchanging them. After washing my face with a flannel and drying it I smoothed it over with some scented moisturiser followed by some foundation and concealer and finally lipgoss, eyeliner and mascara.

When I was pleased with how I looked I brushed my teeth and tidied up the mess I had managed to make, after everything was back to normal I headed downstairs and into the livingroom where everyone had seemed to gather in the past half an hour.

''Your going out then?'' Damien asked as I took a seat on the leather couch opposite him, ''Yeah, they're meeting me here then we'll just go from there.'' I shrugged as I looked at the small pile of magazines on the glass table infront of me, then one headline caught my eye -LiLo charged with hit and run crime-, ' wow things aren't getting any better for her' I thought as I turned my attention to Kaden who was- well you can probably guess what he was doing.

''Are you staying in all day again?'' He just shrugged in return hardly acknowledging me, so I just tuned all of my attention towards the television while I waited.


An hour later and both Charlotte and Lauren turned up prepared for our now not so lonely valentines day. After a few thoughtful plans we decided we would get our nails done, rent out some movies and the two would spend the night at my house for an eye-candy movie marathon.

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