Skye likes rubble?! (0-0)

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Chase: Ah it's a beautiful day, The sky is blue, the flowers are blooming and I am going to confess my love to skye!

Skye: I don't know if chase loves me and I kind of like rubble! I'm going to ask him out!

Chase: hey Skye can I talk to you... What The F**k

Skye: oh s**t

Chase: skye I was going to ask you to go out with me and you end up hooking up with rubble!

Rubble: hey I love her so back off

Chase: she's my girl m*********er I will kill you

(Chase And rubble then bite each other)

Chase: I'll kill you f****r

Rubble: you will die first b***h

(Rubble scratches chase and gets kicked in the head)

Chase: rubble i'm going to get you b***h!

Rubble: hey She loves me! She's doesn't love you! 

(Ryder appears after hearing a fight and cussing)

Ryder: guys stop

Ryder: stop guys please! (He Holds chase as Marshall holds rubble!)

Ryder: We need to get to the hospital NOW!

(At hospital)

Dr. Steve: they are lucky to be OK Ryder! I was able to stitch the scratches After cleaning them out! Also The bites will heal normally

Ryder: thank you doctor!

Dr. Steve: no problem Ryder! Any time!

Ryder in room: OK both of you are You are lucky I'm not going to punish you! You guys need to be friends ok so please don't fight again!

Rubble and chase: yes sir Ryder!

Ryder: ok good!


Hey guys this is my new book! As I mentioned in the discription this is not a sequel to my other book paw patrol: The mission that changed everything! Sorry this is so violent/profane but I mean this is what love makes you do!

Until my next chapter I will see you later!


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