Big Three Headed Dogs and Trapdoors (14)

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione decided to get through the trap door they found out you need music to put Fluffy to sleep, I followed quietly my mask on and my heart rate increasing as we kept going my eyes calm but I was internally panicking my 'pen pal' hasn't wrote to me in a few days and it worries me. I followed friends as we entered the room the three headed dog slept I looked at it amazed my eyes glittering in the moonlight, "woah..." I whispered and we stepped forward to move the dogs paw off the door, "guys..." Ron said and we all stopped and looked at him, he had drool on his shoulder and the harp had stopped, my heart rate picked up and I looked up. Three angry dog faces glared at us and I gasped "oh my Merlin you guys are so cute!" I said looking at Fluffy who growled at me, "okay... Not friendly come on!" I said fearfully.

I shoved Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the trap door and jumped down myself, I landed on something springy and looked around Ron was rubbing his arm and Harry was confused and I felt something tighten around my waist and my eyes widened as Hermione gasped in surprise "Devil's Snare..." She said and looked at the vines wrapping around us and I struggled in the vines my mask remaining but I still struggled shocked it didn't fall yet, "no no relax" Hermione spoke quickly as she did she fell through the vines "Hermione!!" Harry and Ron shouted in fear, my claustrophobia was acting up and I started to hyperventilate, "Hermione!!!!" Harry shouted again and I heard her shout "I am fine you guys need to relax Sammy are you alright!?" She called up Harry and Ron looked towards me "she's having a panic attack she hates small spaces!" Harry said and I felt someone grab my hand, I looked over and saw Harry and my eyes clouded over "Sam!" Harry said and I stilled still breathing harshly but he and I slipt through, "guys!" Ron yelled and still struggled "what did Sprout say..." Hermione was trying to remember and I remained in the corner stuck in my thoughts  I stared out into space as I saw a flash and heard hissing, I looked over to see Ron falling though gasping and looking around in fear. 

We began to the next room through an old door, it creaked closed fluttering and clinking could be heard, I turned along with the others to see charmed keys flying around I frowned slightly seeing a broom and a locked door that was charmed to stay locked unless the proper key was used.  We looked around the large room at the flying keys, "that one with the broken wing" Hermione said suddenly pointing at the fluttering key and I noticed a rip in the wings. "Harry... You should use the broom" I said looking at him and he nodded heading towards it and he grabbed the broom, as he did all the other keys started going after him I sucked in a breath he grabbed the key and threw it to Ron and Hermione. Hermione opened the door and we all jumped through it, my eyes widened seeing a large board it was a chess board, "it's... A graveyard..." I mumbled and looked around, the Rook, Queen, Knight, and a Bishop was missing. My eyes were wide in slight fear "I will take Knight, Hermione take Queen, Harry take Bishop" Ron instructed turning to me and I gulped "take Rook" He said and I nodded slightly taking shaky steps to the spot, I trembled out of fear as the game started and Ron spout out orders. I waited and waited for things to finish and happen in conclusion Ron got knocked out and we won, Hermione stayed behind with Ron and I followed Harry quickly. "I am worried about Ron" I said and Harry nodded as we walked into the new chamber, fire reached the ceiling four potions and a knocked out troll, my eyes found a poem and Harry read it off.  He found the potion and we both drank a little jumping through the fire, I looked around and saw Quirrell standing in front of the Mirror of Erised and my eyes widened. "H-Harry..." I mumbled out my voice barely audible "I know Sam.." He said and we both stepped forward my eyes roaming around the room "look who finally showed up" Quirrell said turning, smirking, and NOT stuttering.

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