Start from the beginning

"Hey, let's get out of here." Rafe said, giving the girl a small smile.


"To all the bitch ass hoes, that hate me the most
Oh yeah I hate you too,
To all the punk as fucks, That just wanna talk, shit
I hate you too,
To all the high class ass, that's too hard to pass
Oh yeah I hate you too,
Doses and mimosas, champagne and contain,
Help me to get through!" Lily sang with the radio as her blonde hair constantly covered her face due to the wind from the car window.

Rafe sat besides her, driving the car. Every once in a while, he'd turn just to watch her. He would never say it out loud, but just hearing her voice made his stomach filled with butterflies. She had this energy that he'd never seen before.

Then, suddenly, they both turned towards each other at the same time, meeting each other's eyes.

Growing up with a strict dad and snobby, arrogant friends who made him think that it was not okay for him to ever show feelings or cry caused him to be trapped in toxic masculinity, taking out all feelings in alkohol, drugs and sex. Never telling anyone what's going on inside.

It was like when Lily and Rafe was near each other, they just connected automatically. It was something they both had craved for such a long time, having someone to talk to but not needing to talk.

Doses & mimosas still blasting, Lily's hair blowing in every direction while the sun made Rafe's eyes shining in a cold blue while the sunset faded on the sky, they couldn't help but to fall in love with each other. There was no other option. Meant to be, destiny, soulmates, whatever you want to call it. It couldn't been clearer that they fit together. They were each other's drugs. Addictive and so so wrong, but feels so so right.

That was why Lily wasn't even surprised by herself when she suddenly turned to the boy next to her and screamed over the sound of the radio;

"I fucking like you, Cameron!"

"I fucking like you too, Maybank!"


Lightings went through Lily's body when she accidentally touched Rafe's hand as they laid on their backs on the grass. Lily was wearing Rafe's dark red hoodie, constantly trying to sniff up as much of his scent as possible.

Above the two teens in love, a sky full of stars had shown itself. Being on the unhabitated side of the island, no city lights were distracting the starry sky. Lily had always loved the stars. And the sky in general. She found herself being jealous of how it always seemed to look so beautiful. Even when it was a cloudy day, the sun still shines behind them.

"You see those stars right there? the ones that looks like a hook?" Lily said, pointing at the sky. Rafe looked confused for a second, before he realized where she was looking.

"Yeah, yeah"

"That's scorpius. The constellation that represents your zodiac sign." She said, tilting her head a little so that her hair touched Rafe's.

"How do you know my zodiac sign?" Rafe asked, confusingly.

"I asked Sarah in 8th grade, duh?" Lily said and Rafe let out a chuckle.

"Yeah right, when you were simping like crazy over me." Rafe teased, smirking. Lily raised her eyebrows.

"I did, until I walked in on you j-"

"Didn't we put that on the list of things we shall never talk about?" Rafe interrupted.

"You might have. I never signed any contract on that." Now it was Lily's turn to smirk.

"If we're gonna bring up that, what about the time you had a sleepover with Sarah and then you somehow sleepwalked all the way to my room and started cuddling up to me while mumbling about how hot I was?" Rafe said confidently, turning his head and watched the girls side profile as she blushed a little.

"That never happened." She protested, closing her eyes.

"It did. Stop living in denial." Rafe teased, earning a playful smack in the face from the young girl.

They were quiet for atleast ten minutes, just enjoying the comfort of each other when a shooting star suddenly fell over the night sky. Lily was quick to make a wish, as Rafe didn't even have time to react before it was gone again.

"Did you see that?" He asked.

"I did." Lily answered.

"What did you ask for?"

"To spend the night at yours."

"Won't your pogue friends go crazy and try to kill me when they found out? I've noticed they doesn't like me very much." Rafe said.

"They probably already have. I'll call them later or something. It's not like they can force me to come home." Lily said confidently.

"Then it's a yes from me." The boy beside her mumbled.

"Can I ask you a question?" Rafe asked after. they'd been quiet for a while.

"Go for it."

"How are you? Like how are you, really?" He said carefully, not wanting to. cross any boundaries.

"Honestly? I am alive but I am not that well. I'm used to it now, so it's fine." Lily said, honestly for the first time in years.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

"I have no future, my father is an alcoholic and abusive dick and I miss my mom." She said, letting out a chuckle to tone down the seriousness in what she just said.

"You shouldn't have to go through that." Rafe said worriedly. He would do anything to traid life's with the girl, so she wouldn't have to feel the pain anymore.

"When you're used to it it kinda stops hurting so you don't have to worry." Lily said, sighing.

"I'll always be here, you know that right? We have a spare bedroom you could use if you want to." Rafe told the girl he was so deeply in love with.

"And go full kook? hell yes!" Lily laughed, scooting closer to Rafe as she froze a little bit even in his hoodie.

The two of them laid there for a long long time. Just watching the stars, as Lily pointed out different constellations and told Rafe about their names as she laid on his arm with her head on his breast. Slowly Lily drifted to sleep while listening to Rafe telling her stories about when he was young. She had never felt more safe than that night in Rafe's arms, under the bare night sky.

╚»★«╝ AUTHURS NOTE ╚»★«╝

that was a while ago... sorry!

hope ur having a great day, and if not, my dms are always open!

word count: 1825

// G <3

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