Final Control Again

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(AU where L'manberg was built on magical land, and important events are immortalized and can be "replayed" by interacting with the land". based off of Niki's stream from 9/3/20 where she comes across the Final Control Room)

Everyone had fallen asleep for the night, so outside, it was just her. Niki was idling around, fixing holes here and there, and generally becoming more accustomed to living in L'manberg. She entered the walled off section, and was just going to chop some wood, when she stumbled across a dark tunnel, hidden in a hill. From what she could tell from looking in, it went very far and had a steep incline. She decided to trade out her ax for a torch, and started to explore the cave.

The tunnel was damp, and smelled of ash. The walls were lined with old soot, most likely left from the people who last traveled down the tunnel. She was then met with an incline down, immediately followed by a stone staircase upwards. Her free hand was running along the walls beside her, her breath almost visible from the coolness of the cave. The staircase ended, and just above the final step was a sign that read 'Final Control Room'. Niki's heart dropped. She had only heard stories and sob-ridden tales of what the room was like, but nothing could've prepared her for seeing the room with her own two eyes. 

The walls were a cold and deep purple, stained with dried potions that were splashed on the soldiers. Chests with names on the front that contained forgotten and lost items from the people who were killed here lined the room. They weren't visible, but Niki knew the tunnels where the Dream SMP members ambushed the L'manberg soldiers were still there. And in the middle was the button that caused a rift in the entire war. On the floor, a small wooden button that was linked to everything here. Niki had a deep temptation to push the button, and was about to just leave, but the temptation got the better of her, and pushed it.

Faster than she could blink, the room changed before her. The torches around the room were lit a cold and deep blue flame,  the walls weren't stained, and she could hear the faint voices of... the team of L'manberg soldiers from that fateful day. Panicked, she started to run to hide as she heard the voices growing louder...

"Eret where are you taking us?"
"Its something I've been planning in secret, be patient"
"Well, to be honest, my feet are starting to fuckin' hurt, alright?"
"Tommy, now isn't the time"
"What'dyou mean? I'm low on health and hunger and I'm walking down a dark cave, I have the right to complain."

Niki started to see the tops of heads, and was starting to panic. The room didn't have enough space for her to hide, and she would be in full view of the past L'manbergians. When Eret reached the top of the staircase, however, he didn't bat an eye. He continued to walk, until he passed straight through Niki and behind the button. This happened with all of the soldiers, whilst they walked around the room, some to their chests. 

"Hey, Eret, what does this button do?"

Niki knew what was about to happen. While Eret stayed silent, he stepped towards the button, and peeking through his glasses to look them all in the eyes one last time, said;

"It was never meant to be"

And pushed the button.

Everything happened at once. Potions of harming fell down from the ceiling onto the unsuspecting soldiers. The walls opened to reveal Dream, George, Sapnap and Punz, all in full netherite armor, who started to pick off the revolution, one by one. Whilst all of this was happening, Eret made his escape into one of the tunnels that had opened up. Once all of the soldiers had been killed, Eret stepped out of the tunnel, saluted, and stepped back to escape. And with that, the room reverted back to the old, stained remnants that Niki had found it in.

Her mouth was left agape. Her head was swimming with questions, but decided to leave them unanswered. At least for now. She decided to exit the room, go back down the tunnel, and continue on her way.

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