What Next ?

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" I don't know why you're being so up tight right now. Oh what are you done talking to me now, is that it " he snorted.

" You can really shut up now, I'm not being uptight. I'm sorry that I care enough about you to worry if you got home safe last night" I choked.

" Uh, yeah sure " he said looking at the window. " Anyways-

" You just didn't pick up and I got worried, alright hum.. is that a good enough answer for you, huh.. is it really that bad that your supposenly best friend cares alot about you " I choked while tears trailed down my cheek.

" Christian " gasped Cade. He grapped hold of my head and hugged it. " I don't want to hear you ever say that again, supposenly best friend what are you kidding me you're my fuckin girlfriend. "

" Cade " I sniffled.

" Of course you're my best friend , I care about you, I love you " he smiled.

" I love you too " I smiled.

.................... Those were the last words that I ever heard of Cade's beacuse a drunk driver was speeding out of control in his car and crashed right into ours.

I don't remember what happened next.

No Tomorrow- DreAms can be deadly........... ( Deadly Dreams )Where stories live. Discover now