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> y/n's - POV

I hear my alarm clock ringing; Oh god it's monday. "Get up, this is your fourth alarm clock." says Pansy, annoyed. "Just 5 more minutes, please ..." I mumble, still half asleep. "No." Pansy pulls my covers away. "GET UP" I open my eyes; in front of me is Pansy, she looks upset. "Welp, stop overreacting ..." I say and get up. "Do you want to be late on the first day of the new school year?" replies Pansy annoyed. Oh. Right, there was something. "I will hurry". After we left in time for breakfast, Pansy became much more pleasant: "I'm happy to be here again!" I look at her from the side, "You're just happy to see Draco again." She laughed and said, "Of course."

We came for breakfast. Pansy quickly grabbed an orange and practically ran to the table where Draco was sitting with his Cult. I like to call them that because no normal person willingly stays with a personality like Draco. I roll my eyes and grab an apple, I'm not very hungry this morning. I'm looking for a place near Pansy, I have no other friends except her. As soon as I sit down I am greeted by Draco: "As you can see, beauty sleep doesn't help everyone." he said and his cult started to laugh. I saw him dead in the eye and said: "Says the boy that looks like he died a century ago." He smiled at me and I ironically smiled back. What a wonderful way to start the day.

The school day went by very quickly, thank God. It was now time for lunch. Pansy happily jumped around in front of me and told me that Draco smiled at her twice in class today. I'm a little sorry for her, apparently she didn't notice his scornful looks. I smile at her and said "That's great Pan, but don't fall for him" she looked at me and laughed "Never!" I knew it was long too late. She clings to Draco like a burr, but I love her way too much to show her the truth. 

We arrived at the lunch room. We sat down again near Draco. I felt Pan shrivel up next to me. I followed her gaze and looked at Draco. A girl sat next to him, she was a Hufflepuff. She caressed his hand and Draco smiled thoughtfully at her. I can't say how many times I've seen this, probably around 60-139 times. So she was his new week-long lover. Not gonna lie- i feel bad for her. She seems to think that it's serious. However, she should know Draco's reputation. When I looked at Pansy again, I realized that she was about to cry. Ooh lord. I pulled Pansy up from her seat, took her in my arms and stormed her out of the lunch room.

"That asshole Malfoy .." I slipped out and Pan really started to cry. She sagged on the floor in the middle of an empty corridor. I felt terrible. I sat down next to her and took her in my arms. "Pan, you know what Malfoy is like ..." I said. I realized myself that I wasn't of much help. A moment later I heard quick steps coming up the hall. When I looked up there was Cedric Diggory. I knew he was good friends with Pansy, so I handed her in his arms. He looked at me encouragingly and hugged Pansy. He had seen it before. I smiled back and went to my room.

Later that night, I was sitting in the Slytherin Common room, and I couldn't get the Draco thing out of my head. How could you live such a life & be happy with it ?! There's no fucking way. I heard voices and shortly afterwards I saw Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle walking up the stairs to their room, where they were, Draco can't be far away. I sat more comfortably and waited; within a few seconds, I heard the all too familiar voice of Draco. As he came in, he noticed me and smiled at me: "Stormvale! Long time not seen, how is Pansy?"

My eyes widened: he knew about Pansy's feelings. My hands became fists and I would have loved to punch him in, unfortunately I don't want to do him the pleasure of yelling at him. I cleared my throat and said, "I haven't seen Pansey since she disappeared with Cedric." Draco cocked his head and said, "If she's got Cedric, why can't she get enough of me?" This motherfu- ... "But to be honest, I don't care. Does she let him fuck her to forget about me?" He laughed. That's it, now he's gone too far.

I got up and before he knew it I had my hand on his tie and pulled him down to me; The shock in his eyes spoke for itself. "It's Pansy's decision who to do it with. She'd be way too good for you anyway. You're a fucking asshole, Malfoy. Stop playing with girls' feelings like they're just a pastime. You will eventually run into a girl that doesn't fall head over heels in love with you and I hope this girl will teach you a real lesson. " I hissed in his ear. "Now go." I let go of him and looked seriously into his eyes. "GO." I've never seen Draco Malfoy run away as frightened as I do now. Goddamn it Malfoy.

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