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This chapter is dedicated to Zeldaisgay for voting for this story! TY:)


It had been only a month since University started, but it had already started to mess with Hwanwoong's schedule and sleep. He had already been bombarded with assignments and projects and he found himself staying in the library till late night or sleeping in his friends' dorms. And each time he did Youngjo would scold him. "Woongie-ya, it's not good." It had started to annoy him, eventually resulting in an outburst.

"Hyung! I know okay! You don't need to keep reminding me! I'm not three anymore! You disappeared and now you're lecturing me! Why didn't you care for me all those three years!" He slammed the door as he ran away, already starting to regret his words.


Hwanwoong returned to his room, hoping to see Youngjo sleeping. To his dismay, he was wide awake, sitting on his bed, waiting for him. He planned on turning back and sleeping in his friend's dorm again. He just couldn't bring himself to face him, but Youngjo's voice stopped him, his heart becoming too heavy too bare.


He had hurt him. It was clearly evident in his voice.

"I need you tonight."


"Please, Woongie." He got up and stood right infront of him. He hoped he didn't hear his loud heartbeats. "You promised."

Hwanwoong slowly nodded, not able to decline, mainly because of his regretful words.

Changing into his nightclothes, he walked towards Youngjo's bed, not sharing one word. "Can we sleep on your bed?" He was surprised, but nonetheless agreed. As they lay in bed, Youngjo hugging him, he spoke, "Woongie, I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologising? I was the one who burst out. You were just looking out for me. You always were. Even back then," he replied softly.

Youngjo eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep. Hwanwoong remembered all the times he had fallen asleep on his lap. He looks exactly the same. He turned his head to reach for his phone on his side desk. Angling his phone properly, he pressed his camera button.

"Why aren't you you using your Polaroid?"


Hwanwoong tried to move away to get up, but Youngjo was fast as he tightened his grip around his body. He stared down at him, eyebrows cocked up, a smirk adding to his playful question.

"What are you talking about?"

Youngjo moved his hand from his head to under his pillow. Before Hwanwoong could stop him, he had already pulled out his secret. His album 'By_Woong' sat in between them.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" That meant he had seen and read everything. Everything. His photos and his embarassing little notes about Youngjo.

"When did you find it?"

"You left in a rush. Your pillow was crooked," he replied, nonchalant.

He couldn't meet with his gaze and looked down at his chest when he felt a pair of lips graze his temple. "I love you, my Woongie. I always have. You never had to hide it."

Hwanwoong didn't look up. Instead, he just snuggled right into Youngjo's chest as he felt the grip around his shoulders tighten, a giddiness consumed him. It was joy. Just pure joy.

I love you too, hyung.

▪ □ ■THE END ■ □ ▪


Thank you to all readers and voters who read this book and gave it constant support!
This is my first completed book and I hoped you enjoyed reading it!
Thanks for everything!
Hope y'all are safe! Stay healthy! Take care!
~Anna R.

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