Chapter 41 "Welcome to the Family."

Start from the beginning

        When we got home, Bella had fallen in a dead sleep and even when Edward picked her up and carried her to another car, she never once stirred or woken up. Poor human. I smiled at the thought than quickly turned into a frown when I thought about the people in Volturi who were now, dead. I could imagine them banging on the doors once they found out what they were really doing there. I thought, "What if," that was the last of their blood line? What if they had a child inside their womb? What if they were getting married or honeymooning? And all I said was, "Enjoy."

        What would my family say about that? They'd never find out. It'd be locked inside my mind until I or Edward gave it away. I just hoped my own brother wouldn't think less of me. While he took Bella home, the rest of my family and Cole went inside our home.

        Its good to be home. I was only in it for seconds before we left to get Edward. But now, standing inside my living room. It was home. It was perfect. It was my home and I loved every second of it. Esme must of cleaned up while we were gone. There was no more dust or cobwebs. No more vines growing on the house. It was the same. Except for one more addition to my family;Cole.

        Rosalie wasn't exactly excepting but she wasn't cruel either. Jasper was wary of him and I noticed that he held Alice extra close and he never truly turned his back on Cole. It wasn't like he was going to attack my family, that'd mean he'd have to leave and I don't think I could start without him here. It'd be lonesome without him.

        Speaking of Cole, Him and I were now curled up on the couch. My feet were tucked up underneath me, of course my shoes were off. Esme would kill me, not literallyobviously. His arms were around me, holding me tight to his body, his hand played with a strand of my hair, just like he did in the car. We just sat there in silence. Only the outside lanterns brought light through the glass windows. The light flickered off each others bodies and our reflection would be a perfect picture if someone got a picture of it. But in my own eyes, I'd keep this memory; forever.

        Someone cleared their throat and I half expected it to be one of my brothers. It surprised when Carlisle was standing their. He gave me a small smile and I knew he wanted to talk. I knew it wasn't going to be privately, with all the supernatural hearing in this household.

        I stretched my neck and kissed Cole's cheek,"Why don't you go up to my room. I'll be up there was soon as possible. "

        He nodded silently and kissed my head. When he passed by my father, Carlisle put a hand on Cole's shoulder and gave him a small nod. I was guessing it was his way of show in he excepted my mate.

        Now that Cole was gone, Carlisle walked over to me and sat down besides me. I turned my body fully. Cris crossing my legs I placed my hand in my lap and played with the end of my pants. I still wasn't in my PJ's and it was kind of annoying me I wanted to sleep. . . for a century.

        "Are you okay?" He asked in his "Dad" tone. I knew he inspected my bite mark in the airport but he still wanted to know if I was okay.

        I lifted up the corner of my mouth and looked around the room, "Yeah. I mean, I have a mate, a family, Edwards back, Bella's not face planting in dangerous waters, I bet my quote on quote "father" won't be a problem anymore, and I learned something new today or two nights ago; Demtri sucks at foreplay." I didn't actually get why I was saying this to someone who was more than my father than anyone.

        I actually got a smile out of Carlisle, which surprised me because usually when ever Emmett makes a sex comment, he'd give my brother a disappointed glance while Esme scolded him.

        He chuckled even, "I was talking about your mark. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

        I smiled back, "I'm okay. The venom is already gone. Don't even feel it anymore to be honest here. Do . .do you think everything's going to be okay? With Bella I mean. I heard Alice giving you guys the 411."

        "I think that if we stay anonymous as possible. We might have a chance of being okay. But I don't think we should do anything that could alert Aro."

        I nodded. We both were talking to one another seriously and we talked in silent strategies. Now, that the Volturi had our scents and knew where we were located at, we had to be on our toes, well at least I would be at all times. The Volturi's time and my time were two different things. I don't plan turning my back for one second. Did I fear them? Yes. Who wouldn't? A clueless fool.

        "Do you think Edward would change Bella? You know how stubborn he is." 

        "I think that Bella would be very . . . persuasive and he would eventually agree." 

        I raised an eyebrow. Edward does respect what Bella thinks but I think the "Vampire subject" is one of those things he just doesn't agree with. "This is my brother were talking about here." 

        He laughed, "Yes, this is true." 

        We both chuckled and it finally grew silent, I cleared my throat, "I think i'm gonna go upstairs and see Cole."  We smiled at each other and I began to walk away. 


        I turned around, "Yes?" 

        "Are you happy with Colton?"  

        I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I am." 

        He stood up and walked over to me. Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder and smiled happily, "Than he is part of this family. Tomorrow, have him come into my office. I'd like to ask him a few questions." 

        "You mean you want to ask a few questions about what he is and how everything works?" 

        " ...Yes." 

        I laughed and patted him on his shoulder and began to walk up stairs, "Good talk, dad." Walking upstairs I went past Alice and Jasper's room, even without my super hearing I know what they were doing. Rosalie and Emmett were off somewhere in the woods, doing God knows what, and Edward was at Bella's, of course. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door. Colton was laying down on my bed, the long curtains were closed, the TV was on, and he was falling asleep. His shoes were off and I silently thanked him for that. I took off my own shoes and crawled into the bed next to him. His arms immediately wrapped around and his lips touched my head. 

        "I think you have my dads permission." 

        I felt him chuckle, "That's good. I was being to worry." 

        "Your a part of me, which makes you family. Welcome to the Cullen family, Colton. Goodnight." 

        "Goodnight," He whispered. 

        It was only a couple minutes later when I felt my eyes began to grow heavy. I knew I was safe and loved in the arms of my lover. 



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