Chapter 40 "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."

Start from the beginning

He sighed frustratingly and I could picture him running a hand through his hair."They arrived shortly after I arrived in your home. At first they didn't believe me, so I showed them a picture of us, together in the woods. Don't worry they don't know what happened. I left that story for you. Carlisle is fascinated by the fact that I can change into a werwolf. Rosalie and Jasper doesn't exactly like me. Emmett thinks I'm cool and Esme has been treating me well. And I know you'll be fine. I just worry. Keep this up and I'll have gray hair before you know it."

I scoffed and smiled,"Dont worry about Rosalie and Jasper. I'll set them straight. Emmett just thinks everythings cool. Esme is always mothering and Carlisle is just fascinated about your genes. Dont worry about it," I said. "Oh, and I don't date old men so use hair dye if need be."

"Ha ha. Your hilarious. Just be careful, okay? I love you and I do not want to lose you."

I smiled into the phone."I will and I love you too. I promise you we'll spend more time together once I get home. And tell Emmett that I said 'not to start Mario Brothers without me'."

"Alright I will. See you later babe."

I silently cringed at the name. He called me this before and I never liked it. I'm over a hundered years old and name calling like 'babe' just doesn't do anything for me. But to humor him I don't say anything. "M'kay. Ill talk to you later. And, hey? Thank you for worrying. I appreciate that."

"Your welcome. Bye, Em."

"Bye." I hung up Alice's phone with a sigh. That man is go into be the death of me. He's probably thinking the same thing. Walking over to Alice I handed her, her phone back and stay next to her. "When are we getting out of here, Al?"

"Approximately in sixteen minutes. But I'm just going off Aro and his descion."

"Good. I can't stand to be in here for another hour. How was Jasper? I'm sure he was hyperventilating."

"He was and said,'To come home safe.' And to be, " careful." "

"Well, obviously he doesn't know us." I winked wich got Alice to roll her eyes. I rubbed the bite mark and frowned. That wasn't suppose to happen.

"How are you?" Alice had pulled a guilty face and she reached over and traced Demetri's mark.

"It still hurts. But not as much as before." It was the truth.

Alice had let the subject go and I was thankful for that. I didn't want to talk about how I lost a fight with a member of the Volturi. I just wanted to go home and sleep. Slowly but surely the time passed and each click of the clock next to me seemed to drag on. Alice and Edward conversed sit one another while I sat and waited for one of the members of the Volturi to come back down and tell us to leave.

I hoped Aro and Caius took my warning seriously about my father. I wanted him gone and if the Volturi did my dirty work that was fine by be. My family and I wouldnt have to deal with my real father and I wouldn't have to worry about Cole anymore. Who knows. Maybe my father will slip up and Aro will find out.

Edward and Alice's conversation stopped abruptly. The three of us heard the double doors opening and put came Alex - who's eyes were still a little black but were mostly a ruby red- came forward and stopped in front of us. Edward had turned Bella into his chest and hugged her tight. By the way Alice's knees were bouncing, I could tell it was good news.

"You may leave now," Alec's voice was warm. Like we had knew each other for such a long time. "Although, we do ask, you do not linger in the city."

With Bella still in his arms. Edward got up and nodded, "That won't be a problem." His voice was ice cold. He walked ahead first, than Alice.

I was going to walk past him but Alec quickly reached out and snatched my forearm. I raised an eyebrow at him. His expression, was unreadable. "Problem?"

"No. But Aro has heard of your proposition and has agreed to it." He released my arm and walked back towards the doors.

"Alec!" I called. He stopped suddingly and turned around. "Tell him I said 'Thank you'. I'm guessing I'll see you soon."

He smirked, "Of course." And disappeared.

I shook my head and zipped after my siblings. They were anxiously and when Alice had saw me she glared and pursed her lips,"And where were you?"

Edward got into the back and shut the door. I opened my own door and got in, "You're the psychic. You tell me." I shut the door and smiled. Alice got in from the other side and huffed, "I'll tell you later but not right now." I whispered low so Bella wouldn't be able to hear. She nodded excitingly and drove off to the airport. After a while of unspoken silence I had to start some conversation, "How's Bella?"

"I'm fine." She whispered.

I smirked at the sleepiness in her voice, "Bell just go to sleep. We'll wake you up when we get there."

"No," Her voice hardened. "I'm fine." She was fighting it.

"Your so stubborn." Edward commented. He kissed her head and whispered in her ear the exact same thing I had told her. Stubbornly she shook her head and denied the idea.

The ride to the airport was exhausting but Alice's frantic -crazy-driving- aloud us to get out of Volturi quicker than possible and she was more than disappointed in the car she stole. Grand theft auto was something Emmett and her were good it along with fighting. She's the only one that I knew, complained about the certain car she stole.

With Alice's charming looks and Edwards dazzlement we were able to got on the first flight to Rome. Bella and I sat back and watched the men and woman basically fall at there commands. At times I had to steady an exhausted Bella before she fell flat on her face. I don't know why she was fighting it. We were long gone from the dreadful place and they wouldn't dare come this far. But she as stubborn as a mule and disagreed with the offer for sleeping.

Even on the plane she denied it and kept asking for caffeine. It was quite amusing to watch. Her heart beat would accelerate everytime she would drink or eat caffeine. Her fingers wouldn't stop tapping on her knees and Edward had noticed because he had grabbed her hand and held onto it. She smiled apologetically and than couldn't stop moving her head.

She had asked the flight attendant if she could have another Coke and before Edward could stop her she drank it. "Bella," He sighed disapprovingly. He looked as if he was trying to discipline a child.

"I don't want to sleep," She reminded him. "If I sleep now, I'll have nightmares."

He didn't argue with that. I reached to my left across the hall and smiled, "Give it up Edward. Our Bella has become a Caffeine Junky." I wiped a fake tear from the corner of my eyes and my smile grew wider she Bela blushed and Edward glared.

I relaxed back in mynseat and closed my eyes. I wasn't going to sleep. I had a lot of explaining to do, especially with Colton hanging around.

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