The First Transformation

Start from the beginning

"Well, yes I can see that, we can do it now if you want. If not, we'll have to wait until next week I'm afraid."

"I can do it now."

"Very well then, follow me,"

James looked at Ast and she mouthed 'sorry'. The potion could wait for a few minutes. James headed back to the common room by himself while Ast followed McGonagall to her office. She told her to sit and then summoned a number of brochures from thin air.

"Now Miss Nott, do you have any idea what you would like to be?" She asked.

"Yeah I do actually, I'd like to be an auror," Ast said proudly.

McGonagall smiled.

"Well that's a start." She picked a brochure out of the pile and handed it to Ast, "I think you'll be a fine auror. Keep in mind you will need N.E.W.T.s in at least five subjects. I would recommend Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration and Potions. That leaves just one subject that you can pick."

"I think I'll do Herbology, Professor,"

"Excellent choice, is there anything else you'd want to be? Muggle related jobs perhaps?"

"No, I want to be an auror. Always have wanted to be one."

"Very well then," she said as she put the remaining brochures away. "Remember Miss Nott, you must study hard. Becoming an auror is very hard work so you mustn't let anything distract you."

"Yes, Professor,"

"I'm sure you'll do fine, you're excelling in all your classes. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Professor." Ast blushed.

"Very well then, you are free to go. And if you have any inquires please do not hesitate to ask." McGonagall smiled.

"Thanks again Professor," Ast said as she left.

By now, Ast loved Hogwarts way more than Durmstrang. Everyone was so encouraging and welcoming and for once, she felt at home. It wasn't like she didn't have friends back there, she had some of the best times with her Durmstrang friends. But there was something about Hogwarts that made her feel like she belonged.

Students were still heading to their destinations. She remembered that she had to meet James at the common room so that's where she headed. She turned a corner and found Ben and his friends hanging out by the window. Ast couldn't decide whether to talk to him or not. However she needn't decide because he spotted her and walked over to her.

"Hey Ben," Ast said.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he said.

"I'm a busy girl, Ben."

"By busy do you mean pranks?"


He chuckled.

"Listen, I know this probably seems a bit extreme but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Ast was taken aback. She rubbed her arm, not quite knowing what to say. She and Remus still hadn't talked about the kiss, they had a silent agreement to not mention it. So that meant that she could go on a date with Ben. But she really didn't feel any chemistry between them.

"Oh... um," Ast said.


Ast turned to see who called her. Remus was standing at the end of the corridor, he looked so pale, almost like he was about to faint.

"Wolfsbane," Ast said to herself.

"Wolfs-What?" Ben asked.

Ast ignored Ben and pushed past him. She quickly walked over to Remus. She raised her hand to his forehead. It was burning hot. She knew what to do though. Usually, on days before the full moon, Oscar would have fainting spells. They were usually cured with Ast's Wolfsbane.

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