CH24 - The beginning of the real fight

Start from the beginning

"Storm of Torment!" The Beast shouted as he attempted to threw his attack at the teen boy. Yusuke quickly dodged by jumping out of the way, but he still got a small taste from the lightning attack. . . which happened to be as deadly as hell. A scream of pain escaped through Yusuke's throat as his body was surrounded by orange electricity.

Suzaku landed back onto his feet while Yusuke fell flat on his face and stomach, eyes as blank as a canvas while shock was written on his expression. His body was switched off. He couldn't move it one bit.

"Look at him rise, Suzaku, I just love when they do that." Murugu commented with delight. Yusuke weakly got up to his knees with the help of his hands that are trembling along with every inch of his bones that are shaking like the leaves in the strong wind. Suzaku approached the Spirit Detective.

"You'll find that the energy will seek you out like lightning to a rod, but take hard, you are the first human to ever survive my technique." Suzaku said.

"You must feel so proud." Murugu chimed in, mocking Yusuke even more.

"You have much more spirit energy than the other pawns King Yama sent after me in the past, but it ill never be enough to ruin my great plans." Suzaku told him with confidence. "As soon as you rise, I'll have to finish this. Why don't you stay down and watch the end of Keiko's movie?"

"She won't be easy to shove in the corner you know!" Yusuke spatted as he raised himself up to one knee. "Keiko is no fighter, but she's plenty tough and she's not following your stupid script!" The speech made Suzaku laugh.

"She's not, and neither am I!" As the teen said that he took off his shoes and used them as gloves. He shifted into a fighting stance and clapped the bottom of his shoes together. "Let's fo this asshole!"

The sight in front of Suzaku made him laugh along with his green female bird. "I trust you're not being serious." The Saint beast taunted. Murugu laughed maniacally as she flew away from her master's shoulder.

"Don't you see what he's doing, Suzaku?" The bird mocked. "He thinks he can block lightning with his rubber shoes, You're truly an idiot, you might as well block a cannonball with paper." She laughed, getting on the boy's nerve even more.

"Why don't you go lay an egg or something?!" Yusuke screamed at the bird to shut her up, but she just kept laughing.

"Yusuke Urameshi, you are my perfect justification." Suzaku told him. "You are why demons should take place of humans on Earth. You are an idiot race that deserves extinction. Your sister must be ashamed to relate to a creature like yourself."

"SHUT YOUR FACE!" Yusuke snapped back. "She might hate me at times and can be mean to me, but deep down I know she never stopped caring just like I never stopped loving her. In fact, knowing her she would be ashamed to spend the rest of her life with some stupid bastard like yourself!" The remark did not sit well with Suzaku and as a result, he prepared for another lightning attack.


I kept slicing and cutting those bastards like they were nothing but a piece of cake, but no matter how many did I managed to take down the new ones kept coming like factory items from the assembly line. I hated it with all my heart.

"They just keep coming!" I exclaimed out of frustration as I sliced another one of those veggie heads who tried to tackle me down. Well, looks like they're getting a little smart. Just a little.

"We got to find some way to get to Urameshi." Kazuma said as he finished off another zombie creature.

"Yes Kuwabara, I have a strong sense that he needs out help." Kurama agreed tiredly earning a nod from Hien and I. Of course, my brother needs our help but how are we gonna do that if these bastards keep coming out of the oven fresh?!

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now