"Yes Sir," the pregnant lady hurriedly followed the tall, dark-haired man.

Kristine was left standing in the middle of the office being scrutinized by everyone in the room. She cleared her throat and felt a little embarrassed.

"Hi, I'm Kristine Mercado," and she showed her badge to everyone. Then she heard a few "ohhhs" and "aahhhhs".

One girl came to her. "Hi, I'm Lea. I think you are Elle's replacement."

"Elle?!," Kristine asked.

Lea motioned her to put her stuff on a table next to hers. "This is going to be your table. We will be neighbors!" She said gleefullly. "Yup, Elle. She is going to be on maternity leave soon. I think in a week or 2. She will train you and you will be Sir Benjamin's personal assistant."

Kristine scanned the room. Everyone were wearing semi-formal clothing, except her. And they seem to have their own worlds. "I can wear jeans to work?" she asked Lea.

Lea nodded. "Uh-huh. Feel free to wear anything you want except ripped jeans or plunging necklines. The Boss does not like it. He is okay with jeans as long as you look presentable."

"Ohhhh," uttered Kristine. "By the way, you can call me Kaye."

Suddenly, the pregnant girl emerged from the office of the Boss. She went straight to Lea and Kristine.

"You must be Kristine Mercado?" she asked sternly. "Im Elle. I will be on mat leave soon. I will train you before I leave. You have to learn fast. Work fast. Understood?"

Kristine has never worked as a Personal Secretary before. She had to quit her call center job 3months ago due to a crazy schedule. She also landed a job in a telecommunications company as an Account manager after graduation but had to quit due to a narcissistic supervisor. "Yes, Mam," she replied.

"Elle, first name basis here except for Sir Benj. Ok?" she clarified.

"Opo." Kaye gathered her stuff and took her mini notepad from her purse. "Pen, can i borrow a pen?" she smirked at Lea.

Lea gave her a pen and Kaye smiled sweetly at her as she followed Elle.

"Sir, this is Kristine Mercado. She will be taking my place after I leave," introduced Elle.

The tall dark-haired man looked up from his computer screen. He didnt say a word. He continued his work and this prompted Elle and Kaye to leave the office.

"Gosh!", exclaimed Kristine in disbelief. "Is he like that?! Rude?"

Elle laughed. "No, he is the nicest human being ever."

"What?!" Kristine's eyes almost popped out in confusion. "Hooooowww??"

"You will see."


Days passed and Kristine's training with Elle became more of a "back to school" program rather than a training, itself. She has to be 30 minutes earlier than Benjamin. Coffee should be served black with 2 creamer 2 sugar and most especially, not too hot or too cold, "just right".  Elle  also pointed out that their boss is very strict particularly when it comes to schedules. Other than that, he just want to make sure that everyone loves their job in his company.

"His company?" Kristine asked during lunch break. Lea, Elle and her were at the company's staff lounge eating pizza.

Lea took a bite of her pizza. "Yeah, his parents put up this business and later on, he was tasked to manage it.

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