the dragon stands alone

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It had been seven years since draco and the others started Hogwarts. And draco was suddenly haveing feelings for one of his friends. He decided to talk to blase his best friend. But frist he would talk to his mom and dad people think that there evil but they really support him.he knocked on the sitting room door . His father answered and invited him in .well draco whars wrong you look torn .I think I'm in love with hermione but dont wanna lose her as a friend. His mom spoke as his father was speechless.  Oh my dragon.  I had the same problem with your dad you see I was picked at the ball by james potter but was in love with your dad so when I rejected him and made a marriage pack with your dad the pureblood family's  were torn apart the Dumbledores the Wesley's and the potters all swore revenge.  That's why thay have a light side thay hide behind thay want to rule both worlds we just want to protect our world so I see the worry have . But you both are in love you see it but she might take time .that's right son I was willing to start a war for love so dont give up or let go .and bid high I hear weasley and potter will.thank you father mother. As he left he knew this would be a hard year as he stepped out of the flew he saw blase with his dog sitting in a chair watching TV. Draco what's so important I have to pause my show .I'm in love with hermione. I know took you long enough. What how you have since 1st year.  Well keep it to yourself for now ok . Sure sure you ready for tomorrow first day back and the year of the ball .ya I guess you. No how do I pick a bride that's also your friend. Well your wife will still be your friend and by the way I see how you look at luna hahah. You shut up I was just admiring her hair this summer might send mother to her hair dresser. Uh hu ok well I'm going home ok have fun fighting weasley and potter for her hahah .how dose eavryone know but me .with that he left. 

a dragon finds love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora