a dragon is born in a house that is torn.

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It was Halloween and it was usually a fun and holy night. A night that in the wizarding world was as big as Christmas was to muggles. But tonight no one dare go out .all the doors locked and windows bared.for tonight the next generation of pureblood death eaters were to be born and that as traditional pureblood family's thay are all born on the same night. Other wise that would not have the numbers to keep down trouble makers like the order . And keep the order thay have made in there world. All of the families have arrived and were with the healers. It was long but .just then . Snape was called out of the waiting room. His son sam was born but sadly his wife crystal rain died. He was helped to his home by another death eater to set up his babys room .and heal. Next was mr love good. His wife Mary also  sadly passed its common in pureblood births there magic  is strong but body not as much.he decided to call her luna after the moon for she was as pale as the new moon. Next was zanbeanies that called him blase because  he could  make fire with his hands .next was the riddle baby tom and bellatrix looked at there daughter and he was in love oh yes he could feel he was human .just under a curse he names her hermione after bella mum . And swore to kill all that threaten her. And then came the malfoys lucius  was so proud. He named his son draco . His little dragon. Parkinson's had a girl that named her pansy after a flower she was beautiful.  Of course others like the weasley clan and the potters and even the notts had baby that night . But none of them knew the journey that faced them .

a dragon finds love Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum