James's hand reached for his hair out of habit, "I never really thought much about what I wanted to do after Hogwarts. I guess it used to be to be an Auror, but I don't want to work in the Ministry because of how they treated Padfoot. I'm sure Harry, Ron, and Tonks can fix up the Auror department."

"I stopped thinking about jobs when I was sent to Azkaban," Sirius said, braiding a small strand of hair in concentration. "I mean, Harry cleared my name before we came back, so I don't really have a problem with that, but I'm sure people'll still be weary of me. For a little while, at least. I have an idea on what I can do, and if you're in, Prongs, I'm sure we can work it out."

"I have no idea what your idea is, but if you need my help, I'll be there. And if Moony isn't too busy with the baby, I'm sure he'll help."

"I've always wanted to be a healer, so I'll probably see if I can get a job at St. Mungos or something along those lines." Lily said, "Also, please tell me whatever plan you're brewing Sirius isn't bad."

Sirius looked offended at the accusation, "I'd never. My idea was actually to make some place for children to stay over the summer if they don't have the best home life."

James's gave a large grin, "It can be for people like you, Padfoot, Purebloods who displeased their family, or Muggle Borns whose family doesn't exactly approve of Magic, like Harry had to be raised, speaking of which —" James's expression darkened, "I want to see the Dursleys soon, after the full moon, because I know Moony'll want to come."

Regulus looked at his older brother, "I mean, I know you guys and Harry are staying at Grimmauld Place at the moment, but knowing the fact that you want to get out of there as soon as possible, maybe you could convert that? The house is pretty big."

"The irony in that is that was where I wanted to leave." Sirius stated. "It could work, but we'd have to get rid of our mother's portrait. The screaming could set off some type of PTSD in abused children. I was always worried about Harry when he was staying."

"You actually have a good idea for once, Sirius, I'm impressed." Lily said, "Everyone's so different from how I remember them, physically and emotionally."

Sirius let out a dry chuckle, "Azkaban'll do that to you."

Not liking Sirius's tone, James moved from Lily's side and wrapped his arms around Sirius's torso, pulling him in for a hug and resting his chin on his shoulder. "No one's going to have to go through what you did, and I'll make sure of it."



As of habit, Tonks's hair flashed red, and she muttered, "Don't call me Nymphadora," underneath her breath. But she still had a large smile, "Mad-Eye!"

To her surprise, the man pulled her into a hug. He didn't have his magical eye, instead he had a cloth wrapped around his head, but besides that he looked just as he had during the Battle of the Seven Potters. 

"How have you been, girl? Not too much trouble in the last few months in the Order?"

It was then that Tonks realised that Moody had died before Teddy had been born, and Tonks gave him a large smile, "Actually, I didn't really do many missions for the Order after that battle."

Moody's one working eye narrowed, "Can I ask why Nymphadora."

Tonks shrugged, "Sure you can, follow me."

She looked around the room and pinpointed Remus, who was sitting in a corner with Teddy, feeding Teddy. By feeding, the bottle was levitating itself so Remus had a free hand to eat a bit of chocolate. Tonks rolled her eyes and chuckled, but told Mad-Eye to follow her.

"Mad-Eye, I want you to meet Remus and my son, Teddy."

Mad-Eye probably wished for his mad eye as his gaze moved between the family of three, stopping briefly at the baby's current bright green hair, and looked back. 

"When was he born?" Was the only question Mad-Eye seemed to be able to ask.

"Last April," Tonks said, Remus unable to answer due to him still eating chocolate. "You want me to feed him?"

Remus swallowed and shook his head, "I'm doing alright, go catch Mad-Eye up on everything." he muttered, before taking another bite of chocolate. 

Tonks was about to protest before she caught Remus's eyes, and slowly relented, before leading Mad-Eye away to talk about the happenings of the last year.

Woof! Remus looked to see a large black dog and a stag standing there, staring him in the eyes, Lily and Regulus behind them.

"These two were just informed by Kingsley they're now legal animagi which means they've decided to spend time as animals. Well, I say legal, but all it means is that they're not gonna be sent to Azkaban for it."

James agreed in deer, which made Regulus start laughing. "Is that what a stag sounds like?"

James transformed back to a human and glared at Regulus, "Is there a problem?"

"You sound so — so odd," Regulus managed. Lily chuckled at James's appalled look. Even Remus, who wasn't the happiest person at the moment, gave a small smile. 

Sirius turned human, and elbowed James, a smirk on his face. "Well, even if he does sound a little satanic, he's still a Marauder. And we'll be back and better than ever in two days."

Remus stopped in the middle of burping Teddy, "You've just come back, and yet you're going to come with me?"

"I thought that was self-explanatory." Sirius frowned, "Of course we are, I thought you knew the plan."

"Plan? What plan?"

"Padfoot and I are staying with you, and Harry and Lily'll stay with Tonks," James stated as if it were obvious. 

"James, you haven't seen your son in almost seventeen years, I couldn't ask you —"

James rolled his eyes. "You're not asking me anything, I'm volunteering."

A/N: So sorry this took so long, I was stuck on how I wanted this chapter to go. I had Mad-Eye waking up for almost a week but I wasn't satisfied with it. I'm happy how it turned out.

Also, I know people were asking, Remus is still a werewolf. The magic that healed them only healed the injury that killed them, and since Remus's lycanthropy did not cause his death, it was not cured. Same with Dumbledore's hand. Honestly, you're probably wondering why I brought Dumbledore back if he's blatently going to die because of an unhealable curse. Well, he'll get some moments in Chapters coming up before the inevitable.

I'd also like to personally thank anyone who gave me a suggestion on my page for Sirius & James's occupations. It helped a lot. Also, how's Sirius's idea about starting a summer home for Hogwarts Students? Would've prevented Voldy, that's for sure.

That's it! It's almost 11 p.m. and I'm gonna go to sleep, though I feel like a real fanfic writer writing so late.

🖤 Maddy

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