Chapter Twelve - Apprentice, Part One

Start from the beginning

"No. There's too much at stake for me to—"

"Robin... We have not forgotten the last time you faced—"

"I made a mistake, Starfire. It won't happen again. I can handle it. I promise." Robin looks around, his gaze settling on me. "Ember?"

I don't look up, and nervously trace a circle with my left foot. "Robin, I know how much you want to take down Slade, but you have the tendency to get obsessive. Too obsessive." I sigh, look away and gesture for the other boys to make way. "However, we do need all hands on deck for this one."

"Would you at least like to know where to look?" Raven asks us as we're about to leave. "Slade gave us more information than he realised. Here, in this reflection." The computer zooms in on the reflection that's on the detonator, and Beast Boy crosses his arms.

"Ooh, squiggly lines. Way informative," he comments sarcastically. Raven ignores him and flips the image, revealing it to read 'Pier 41.'

"Pier Forty-One!" Starfire exclaims, having read it off the screen.

Robin steps forward. "The docks!"

"Let's go!" I shout, and we all rush to the location, not before Raven looks at Beast Boy, causing him to blush profusely.


    We blast our way into Pier Forty-One, only to find no one and nothing there. There's not even a speck of dust to suggest a Chronoton Detonator was here minutes ago. "Empty?" Starfire asks.

    "Oh, man!" Cyborg exclaims, still looking for the Chronoton Detonator.

    "I don't believe this!" Robin says, just as several Slade bots jump down from the roof in front of us.

    "Great. Now what do we do?" Beast Boy asks.

    "We fight," Robin replies. "Titans! Go!" We pan out throughout the warehouse, each of us readying ourselves to fight several of the bots. I kick one, square in the chest, and throw it into another. It never makes it, because Robin kicks it in another direction and takes over completely. I huff in exasperation and move to the side, allowing him to let out his anger.

He does the same to the others, and in no time at all, he's the only one still fighting. The one man army violently defeats all the bots whilst we stand as a viewing party, Beast Boy seeking Raven's comfort whilst the rest of us watch, frozen. Once they're all defeated, we make our way to the leader cautiously as he continuously whacks the last bot.

    "Uh, Robin?" Cyborg says. "I think you got him."

    "Yes, please," Starfire adds as she and I walk over to Robin and I catch his hand. "You may stop now. We are victorious."

    "Slade's got his finger on the button, and we've got nothing!" He retorts, panting. He pulls his hand away from mine, retracts his staff, and turns away. "Does that sound like a victory to you?"

He storms out of the building, leaving us to follow. "Okay," Cyborg says to Beast Boy and I. "We know the Chronoton Detonator was here. Now we just have to figure out where it went."

"No problem," Beast Boy says. "We should split up and—"

"—Waste hours searching only to come up empty-handed?" Raven asks pointedly as she makes her way over.

"Well, when you say it like that..."

"Raven is right," Starfire points out as she lands on the ground. "We must find some way to track the device."

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