What they do when you're mad at them and how they apologize

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been forever since I updated. I got pretty busy.

I hope you're all doing well! Remember there's always a light after the darkness fades away. Keep your head up and never lose faith.

Love and appreciate you all always!

xoxo Nikole 💜

Oscar originally thinks you're overreacting. But then he feels really bad for making you upset. You obviously didn't blow up for no reason. He knows he messed up so he lets you have your space for about an hour and then comes and apologizes to you hugging you tight so you know he means every word. 

Will tends to get really upset when he makes you mad. He hates upsetting you. He'll go to a separate room to cool down from upsetting you and then when you and he are both ready, he'll come say sorry.

Chelsey hates when you're mad at her because it doesn't happen often. So when you do get mad at her or something she's done, she knows it must be really bad. She beats herself up over it while she gives you time to calm down and have your space. After a few hours, she'll come to you crying asking to please forgive her and that she never meant to upset you.

Andy cries when he's made you mad because he feels horrible. He'll start apologizing immediately telling you he never meant to upset you. Of course, you always forgive him pulling him into a hug because you could never stay mad at him.

When you're mad, you need your space and that only upsets Christian more because he wants to resolve things right away. You'll lock yourself in the bathroom and he'll yell as he's upset with himself and that you don't want to resolve things right away. Then he'll go on a run to cool down. After his run you're ready to talk. It may take a while but the two of you get back to normal and both apologize for doing and saying things that hurt the other. 

You and Chris rarely upset the other. But when he does upset you and makes you mad, he goes quite. He beats himself up inside and lets you have your time to figure things out. When you're ready to talk, he apologizes and doesn't let you forget he never meant to hurt you. 

David storms out of the house upset with himself and goes for a drive. When he gets home he gives you the flowers and chocolate he bought. He knows it doesn't make up for what he's done, but he hopes it reminds you that you mean everything to him and he truly is sorry.

Ayla won't stop bugging you with apologies. While you appreciate her trying to make things right, there are sometimes when you just need to be mad for a little while. So you'll go for a walk. When you get home, she's made all your favorite food and apologizes again and for continually bugging you and not giving you the room you needed. 

She already knows she's made you mad before you show it. "Fuck. Babe I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that." While you still remain a little upset, you can't stay mad at her because you know she didn't mean it. You two end the forgiveness with a hug. 

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