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Looking down at her kingdom below, the small princess sighed and leaned against her hoof. It was a beautiful place underneath Ponyville, magically hidden from sneaky ponies who wanted to find them. She enjoyed living here and she was happy, but she was nervous of becoming the Queen. Her Mother passed when she was young, and her father, the King, never told her why.

She gave another sigh, and blinked when she heard a familiar buzzing. It was her father flying up to see her. He was tall and dark yellow, with black striped down his thick and pointed tail. His dark insect eyes went to hers and smiled when he saw his daughter.

"Princess Blizzard, what are you doing out this late? We have an important harvest tomorrow and you know that," he told her. His voice was loud and deep. She turned away from her father and looked to the kingdom once again.

"Father, why is it that I have to take control? How do I know that I will be the perfect leader for them all?" She asked.

King Arctic Knight looked to his daughter and wrapped his large wing around her smaller frame. "Blizzard, you will be perfect for them. They already know and love you. They trust you completely."

"But father, what if I am to mess up? Or die young? I would need an heir and I am simply not interesting in the other males in the kingdom." She whined. The king chuckled underneath his breath.

"Silly little child. You don't have to worry about not liking a male. You as the Queen will mate with many males and have many eggs to keep the kingdom running." He motioned to the nursery, an area where all of the young changeling bees were being cared for.

He retracted his wing from his daughter and pulled her gently with his magic into her room. She followed him into the room, which was decorated with hexagonal shapes and lots of flowers. She enjoyed flowers very much, especially for their pollen that she adored on top of her treats. Blizzard turned to the mirror and looked at herself. She has gray hair, and big blue eyes that seemed endless against her pale yellow skin. She looked very small and thin. She didn't see herself as becoming a leader that somepony would listen to.

Arctic Night patted the side of her hexagon shaped bed. She climbed into her large bed and willed herself to climb under the blankets. She looked at the large ceiling of her room. It was painted with glowing paint in shapes of hexagons and stars. She loved it. Her father kissed her forehead before leaving the room and his daughter for the night.

He made his way down the hall, his footsteps thumping loudly on the rocky ground. He wanted others to know that he was here. He turned the corner of the castle halls to spot two changelings standing at attention in front of the front entrance. He gave a polite nod to them both as he made his way into the city.

The city wasn't very big, just about as big as Ponyville. He could see the roots of the fallen tree that was the new Alicorn's old house. It was the center of their kingdom. He looked down at the homes and shops that circled the large water source in the middle of the area. The pond was build when Blizzard was born. They called it Blizzard pond. In the winter when it froze over, they all skated and enjoyed the time together. It was a beautiful union for their kingdom.

Arctic Night made his way to the pond and looked down into it. His face reflected darkly back at him and he sighed. He was getting to be older, and his daughter would be in control. He would have to get used to her bossing him around for once. He smirked at the thought. She was tiny, but he would listen and he's sure the other Changelings would do so as well. The bee changelings were much more obedient than those cousin changelings made by Queen Chrysalis.

It was late in the night, and most changelings were either home sleeping or taking their late shifts in the honey production stores and shops. A lone ball rolled on the empty street. He picked it up with magic and placed it into a basket in front of a home. They had children in it, so they wouldn't mind a new toy.

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