Babysitter (Metal Bat x Reader)

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Summary:  You are the babysitter of the one and only Metal Bat's little sister. But what happens when a certain man starts liking you?

Zenko specifically asked for you.

She wanted you to be her babysitter since she liked you so much. You met her when she was waiting for her brother to pick her up, you were concerned to see a child alone so you walked up to her.

You noticed that she was a very strong person immediately. And so, you agreed to be there for her.

She needed you a lot, when she had practice or when her brother was busy with his hero stuff, you took care of her.

And while you looked after Zenko, a certain hero had his eyes on you. But of course, you didn't know about that. You would have never thought that a man like Bad will like you, so you just contiued with your secret crush.

One time you went to pick up Zenko after her practice, when you noticed Bad standing there. 

"Oh." you said as he looked at you. 


"Hello Bad. I thought I will have to pick Zenko up."

"I didn't have anything to do so I came, I should have called you not to come." 

"It's okay, I promised her that we would stop at the donut shop in front of the station, will you join us?" He looked a bit surprised. 

"You shouldn't treat her this many time. I heard you treated her to ice cream the other day."

"It's okay, I like spending time with her."

"At least let me pay you back." he said as he reached for his wallet. 

"No no. It's really okay."

There was a moment of silence as you just stood there next to each other, waiting for Zenko. You finally decided to speak up.

"You know, Bad. Your sister is really something. She's so fierce, independent, I envy her, she's so fearless. I'm very thankful and happy that she asked me to look after her whenever I can." 

"I like you." you looked up at the hero standing next to you, you were shocked. Did you hear him correctly?


"I like you, Y/N. Please go out with me." you could only blink.

"Onii-chan!" You suddenly heard Zenko. She rushed to her brother and hugged his leg. Then she looked at you. "Why is your face so red, Y/N-chan?" The siblings looked at you and this only made it worse.

"N-Nothing. It's nothing. I'm Yeah, I think I shouldn't have worn a thick jacket." you laughed awkwardly. 

"Well, Onii-chan, Y/N-chan promised donuts for me, so I'm going."

Zenko grabbed his brother's and your hand and lead you in the direction of the store. You were still shocked about Bad's confession. It wasn't that you didn't like him, you did, it was just that you really didn't expect him to say something like that.

In the end, Bad paid for all of your food and drinks. As all three of you sat at a table, eating while Zenko talked about her day.

Then when she left to go to the bathroom, the silence between you two continued. You knew you needed to do something or he might get the wrong idea.

"B-Bad...I-I don't know how to say this, you, an S class hero, liking me, you shocked me. B-but I don't hate it. I also like you, it's just that I'm a bit ner-" you couldn't finish your sentence as he leaned over the table and kissed you on the lips. His lips were smooth. And when he pulled back he was blushing a bit.

"I'll take you on a date. I'll text you details later."

"O-Uhm. Okay." you said, blushing madly.

Zenko arrived back and both of you pretended like nothing happened. 


You didn't even notice, but only a week later, you were waiting for Bad under the Christmas tree at the station. He still had five minutes to arrive. He said he will take you on a cosy date.

"Y/N!" you heard him yell. "You look beautiful." he said. a slight pink tint on his face, you assumed it was because of the cold weather.  

"Thank you." although he was wearing his usual black trousers with his red shirt under, he wore a jacket today. And of course, his bat was right in his hand. 

"I hope you like hot chocolate." he said as he started to walk with you following him.

"I do."

He bought you a hot chocolate which almost burnt your tongue, it was so hot. During the date you talked about yourself and so did he, you got to know each other better. You learned that he actually was a very soft person although his attitude and the way he spoke was telling you otherwise.

Bad really was an amazing person, and you felt very lucky to spend time with him, that is until a group of his fans decided to come up to you.

You would never mind fans, but they weren't nice. They kept on shoving you further away from him until you weren't even close. You decided to just wait out what would happen and stood there. You watched as they all drolled over him, some even touched him, that not only bothered you, but him as well.

"STOP!" he yelled and the girls got shocked. "I have a date, and you are taking it too far. I don't mind pictures or whatever, but now you need to leave!" he didn't even wait as he pushed the girls away and grabbed your hand, walking away. His other hand was gripping his bat in anger. Soon the two of you arrived at a rather isolated place. 

"Thank you." you said so softly he barely heard you, but he did. You stopped in front of you and just stood there for a second before he turned around to face you.

"You are beautiful." he said as snow began to fall. 

You decided not to say anything, you pulled him close by his shirt and kissed him. You closed this eyes and let your feelings get the best of you. You only heard your heartbeat and when he wrapped his arms around you, you hear him drop his bat. 

You were so glad that you became Zenko's babysitter, now you knew you needed to find a way to tell her that you fell in love with her brother.

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