Simple Mornings (Saitama x Reader)

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Summary: Every morning was the same, things barely changed, but it was perfect just the way it was.

Every morning was the same. You woke up cuddling with Sai, you didn't want to move even if you had to go to work. He pulled you closed just a tiny bit when he felt you move. You listened to his heart beat for a little longer before you needed to get up.

You got up and out of bed and made your way to the bathroom. After freshening up you went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. By that time Sai was also up and helping you. Or at least trying to help you.

You ate breakfast while listening to the TV or just talking to Sai. His emotionless face were confusing in the beginning of your relationship but now you got used to it and could read him pretty well. He liked listening to you talk, not like with Genos.

After breakfast you'd either get ready for work or on weekends, you'd just watch some more TV. Usually, Sai took care of the groceries, being obsessed with sales and coupons did help a lot for the two of you to save money.

But that morning was different.

You woke up, had breakfast as normal, but there was something odd. 

Something wasn't right. You wondered what it was but since you couldn't come up with an explanation, you just let it go. But the feeling never left. That uneasy feeling was still in you for some strange reason. 

And it stayed with you. You decided to clean the house a little while Sai read his manga. 

Then you felt it.

Like someone knocked you to the floor and knocked out all air from your lungs. You looked at Sai, he looked normal. 

"Sai-chan..." you said but your voice didn't even sound like yours.

"HM?" he looked up at you, seeing your face, he was confused.

"Something terrible will happen." you said in such a voice it sent chills down his spine. You weren't joking. This wasn't a prank, he could tell. 

He moved over to you and just as he did a huge explosion could be heard outside. It made you duck down as Saitama had 0.1 seconds to react and move to keep you safe.

The explosion broke your windows, but you were surprised it didn't blow the entire building over.

Saitama held you against his chest, his back to the now shattered window. 

"Sensei! Y/N-san! Are you okay?" rushed in Genos.

"We are fine. Go and take care of whatever that was." you told both of them but Saitama didn't want to leave you alone. "I'll be okay." you said pushing both out of the small flat. 

While the two men dealt with the issue in the city, you started to clean the glass from the floor. You thought about how would you afford new windows, but that could wait until Saitama is back.

It started off as a normal morning, nothing more, but this is how it ended.

It left both you and Saitama wondering just how come you knew something bad was about to happen?

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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