He's a Tramp

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Anne's POV

I recited the lines for the very last (hundredth) time, "I must not hit my fellow classmates."

My knees wobbled when I hopped off the stool as they hadn't been put to much use in the last hour or two. You see, my mother and father got a very angry call from one of their adult friends saying that I had punched their son's nose. You could say that it isn't nice to hit people. You could also say that he deserved it.

I'd had quite the unique day. It was mortifying, sensational, a little bit more mortifying, but especially wonderful. I had scared a poor girl to death, but that wasn't my fault, that was Anna's. Anna is my annoying twin who lives inside my head. She's just a tad insane, telling me that everybody was somebody I knew, when really I had no clue who the people were. Then of course, she takes over my brain and flips out. 

Anyways, then I punched a guy and got in trouble, but the point was I made my first friend today. I've never had a friend before, it's a wonderful feeling. Well, aside from Mrs. Mirabelle, but she was really more like a mother. In any case, it happened after the terrible awful therapy session. 

I ran out of the office, past the empty parking spaces where my parents weren't. Tears covered my face. What had I done? I just became the paragon of a mentally ill person. I cursed Anna in my head as I ran to the only place I knew to go to. 

Running to the outer part of town, you could see the houses deteriorate and get smaller in size and bigger in filth. The people outside did to, from the inside of town they wore fancy attire, but then faded into hand-me-down clothes, to the same outfit since five years ago. I made my way to a quaint cottage that was a ray of sunshine on this side of town. It was one of the only houses on this outermost street, only having three or four other trailers surrounding it. 

I gave a secret knock that Anna taught me on the wooden door and without a second wasted, it swung open. Today, Ms. Mirabelle was wearing a pretty, light, blue dress with a white bow in her hair. She smiled her dazzling smile and gave me an endearing hug. 

"Oh, how are you, dear?"

I smiled, feeling quite free to be myself, "I'm wonderful now. How's the house?"

Her eyes got a little bit sad, but her smile didn't fade, "Tony came by yesterday. Come inside, I'll make you some tea and we can talk about it."

She guided me with her hand on my back into her three room house. The kitchen and the dining room were all one room, her bedroom, and then her restroom. I was a bit taken aback when I saw a boy my age sitting at her small, square table sipping some steaming hot substance.

Ms. Mirabelle gestured to the both of us, "Oh, yes, Anne, this is Christopher Bjorgman, he's been a wonderful help with my garden. Christopher, this is Anne Idun, a very dear friend of mine."

He stood up and accidentally scooted the table out of position, deftly putting it back in its place, he came to me and shook my hand. He had quite a cheerful smile and I quite liked it. I smiled in return and shook his hand as well. Christopher had a rather bulky figure, but in a muscular way. We stood in awkward silence just smiling at each other as Ms. Mirabelle flitted like a ghost around her kitchen to make me a cup of tea. 

Then he spoke and his voice wasn't as deep as I had expected, but much more pleasant, and just a tad awkward, "I suppose we could sit down while we wait."

He gestured toward the table and I nodded. He pulled out my seat for me like a real gentleman and I sat down blushing and smiling. 

He cleared his throat and tried to make conversation, "So, I'm pretty sure we go to the same school."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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