Chapter 2:Holloywood

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Me and my mom made it to Hollywood there we so many people. I saw the Hollywood hotels. As I was walking to the hotel this security grard graded me by my arm and lead me to this big mansion it had glass windows and a queen bed and a white kitchen. As I put all my stuff away I heard a knock on the door I answered it and it was my friend.

"Hey girl"

"Hey" I said

"Ok so I was wondering if you wanted to meet Jonathan??"


"Sure you are or just get to know him"

"No" I said

"Ok fine BUT you know what we could do?"

"And that is?"

"Let's go to the beach or go get something to eat"

"That's a great idea"

"Hey call a taxi or anything car you want"

"I can't call a taxi"

"Unm yes you can omg I'll call the taxi then"

"Hey taxi!!"

"Hope on in"he said

Whoa this is amazing I never new I could do that"

"Sure you can now that you have your acting road you can do anything"

"Whoa..."I said

"To the beach"

"Ok buckle up"

As we were driving I couldn't stop thinking of Jonathan. I really wanted to see him at the beach but I don't know. If I saw him I will start giggling and won't stop smiling like really really hard.we made it to the beach i grabbed my towel and swimsuit and headed to the bathroom to change I was wearing a white two piece swimsuit. Me and my friend sat down are towels on the sand and we did a count down.



We dashed in the the big waves and started  splashing. After 2 hours of funny time we were hungry so we went to the showers and cleans all the fish poop and salt of us then got back in the taxi and headed to the food Court. I changed my clothes in the bathroom right when I came out I said Jonathan I tried to dashed back in to the bathroom but as I turned around the door hit my head.

" owww"

"Omg are you ok" Jonathan said

He picked me up like a baby then he stranded me on my to feet.

"Yea I'm ok..oh right hello I- I- I'm Denise/you."

"Oh nice to meet you Denise pretty name"

"Thanks" *giggles*

My friend was watching from the said she slapped her head because I did that giggle.

"Well nice meeting you oh if you don't already know I'm Jonathan"

"Yea I know ice meeting you two."

"Bye"he said

"BYE oops I mean bye"

I looked at my friend she looked disappointed she walked over to make and said.

"*giggles* What was that!!"

"I'm sorry I flipped hey if want me to control my laugh then help me."

"Ok fine we start then next day ok be ready"


"We grabbed are pizzas and headed to are rooms because it was curfew. It was 8:00pm when I was finished eating I turned on the Tv I put on side kicks movie. After a bit I started getting tired so I turned off all the lights and the Tv and went to sleep.

Ok that's it loves I will try to post every day I wonder what's gonna happen next.
? *I made the picture at the top.*

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