Chapter 9

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The summer in between 5th grade and 6th grade. I'm 11.

I walked down a street, my sandals moving soundlessly over the concrete.

My dress fluttered in the wind as I got closer and closer to my destination.

I had a friend that was my age, and was a boy.

His name is Jack, and I've known him since preschool.

He is a bit of a shy boy, and has a few friends, but not too many.

Anyway, he was hosting a small party at his house, and the invitation said to dress formally, but not too formal, so like formal-casual, I suppose.

As I walked up the driveway of the house, a boy, around my age, I would assume, poked his head around the door.

He caught sight of me and promptly ran back inside. 

I stifled a giggle as I rang the doorbell.

Jack opened it.

"Lola! Hi. Come on in." he invited. I followed him through the door and into his big bedroom.

"Everybody, this is Willow." he said.

I waved and perched myself on the bed and talked a bit with his friends.

We played a couple of games then went to get frozen yogurt.

My mom picked me up there, so I waved goodbye, and was about to walk out the door when i heard a voice.

"Dude, your friend is hot." 

I called over my shoulder, "Glad you think so."

I walked out of the store, smirking, listening to the laughter of Jack and his friends, and imagining the tomato-like face of Holden(the boy from the window).

Oh how I loved birthday parties...

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