-Mall Day!- Shy! Kokichi Ouma X Extroverted! Reader

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A/n: Yes, I used the example prompt from the rules shut up.

Type: Fluff/regular story

Requested by: No one

TW's?: Not that I know of but bleeding eyes (you'll find out), possible stalking?


Y/N's POV:

"Jeez, Y/n, I don't understand why you're so extroverted..." I smiled and looked at the green-haired boy. "Oh, c'mon! You should be more like me though! It's fun!"

"I think I'm okay..." I smile as the bell rung. "I'll see ya around Amami!" I waved goodbye and leave for my next class.

I arrived in the classroom and the teacher told me to stay at the front of the classroom with the rest of the students. "Hey... what's happening?" The girl next to me whispered back. "New seat arrangements." I nod my head. "Settle down class, we're going to have a new seating chart." He starts calling my classmates names and places them in their designated seats. I look back at the teacher. "Alright, Y/n... You can sit next to Kokichi Ouma, he sits right over there in the back." I nod my head and walk over to the back. I sit down next to him.

I smiled and walked over to the desk where Kokichi was sitting on the other desk. I placed my bag down and sat down. I looked over at the purple-haired boy and he must've been looking at me since I saw a little bit of his head move to look out the window. I have tried talking to him a few times, but he always turned around in embarrassment or didn't say anything and looked at the ground.

 After a few minutes, we were all gathering partners for a little project. "Awesome! Let's see..." I looked around the classroom to see all the different people talking to the others, some in a group of 3, others were just a pair. Then I felt a tug on my sleeve.

It was Kokichi, looking up at me with those dark purple eyes. "Uh... Yeah? Wassup?" I tried making eye contact with him, but once I did he looked away in embarrassment. I snicker a little and sit down. "Wanna be partners?" He nods his head, still holding on to my sleeve. So cute... "Is it okay if I could hear your voice? I would love to hear how you sound like!"

"H-hello." A small, yet still audible 'Hello' came out of his mouth. "I see... You're one of those really shy kids, huh? Well, I guess I gotta not make you shy anymore!" He looked at me in confusion. I grabbed his hand that was on my sleeve and cupped it in both my hands. "C'mon! It'll be fun to get out of your comfort zone!" He brought his hand back and started blushing.

"How about you come over to my house? Unfortunately, if you do want to come over you gotta walk with me!" 

"S-sure... I guess..." I smile reassuringly at him. "Great! I'll get to know you better too!"

Class finally ended and I grabbed my bag and stood up, waiting for Kokichi. He did the same and held on to my sleeve again. I sigh. I linked arms with him. "I like this better than you holding on to my sleeve, not that I mind though! It's kind of cute! Now, let's go!" I say pointing ahead of me. He does the same smiling,

We walked outside and started heading to my house. "Is your parents okay with you coming over? I didn't see you text them or not..."

"I'll be fine..." He mumbled something else under his breath. "Huh? Did you mumble something?" He shakes his head. "No, it's nothing, I-I'll be fine though..." I pull him closer. "Awesome, it'll be fun! Ooh!" I jump up. "What if I take you shopping? Hm?"

"What about the project?" I laughed. "It's not due till next week, Ouma! We have some time, plus, I want to get you out of your comfort zone! Please?" He sighs. "F-fine." I squealed. "Yay! We'll still have to stop by my home, but I'll be able to drive us to the mall!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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