Girl meets High School Part 2.1

Start from the beginning

Ari POV:
"Hmmmmm" i humm as I sit in the choir room looking through songs on my phone.
"What you doing in here?" I hear a voice and look up to find Niki, Francesca, and Thor.
"Looking for a song, what's up?" I ask.
"We have to pay a little visit to your friend Riley. Want to come?" Niki asks.
"No thanks. I gotta find this song. I forgot the name of it" I say.
"What's it for? Your audition?" Francesca asks.
"Lucas got a little jealous yesterday. We had a fight I want to apologize. I didn't even hear him out. I just walked away" I say putting my head in my hands.
"What's the song go like?" Thor asks.
"And being here without you
Is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky" I start to sing before they join in.
"Kind of there But not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you" we sing before we stop.
"Half a heart by one direction" Niki says.
"Good choice" Francesca says nodding.
"I'm sorry if I'm the reason you guys fought." Thor says. "It was because of me wasn't it?"
"Yeah, but it's okay. We were both kinda heated already because Riley said some stuff. We'll be okay" I say giving them hugs. "I gotta go finish learning this, before I go to him."

Lucas POV:
"Hey, guys." I say as Zay and I walk into Topanga's. After this I'm going to Ari's house hopefully she'll forgive me. I miss her so much.
"Yay." Farkle and Smackle exclaim.
"You need some intellectual inferiors?" I ask.
"Yep. You need some physical inferiors?" Farkle asks.
"Yay." Zay and I exclaim sadly.
"So, we all get our butts kicked?" Zay asks.
"I don't even feel like I'm me anymore." Farkle says.
"Yeah, these first few days of high school couldn't have gone worse for us." I say sadly mainly thinking about Ari and I's fight.
"You feel bad about finding out there are people here bigger than you?" Smackle asks
"No, I expected that. That's not it." I say.
"You feel bad 'cause you know it's not gonna be anywhere near as easy as we thought here?" Zay asks.
"No, I'm fine with a challenge. That's not it either." I answer.
"It's about us, isn't it?" Zay asks.
"Is there an "us" anymore?" Farkle asks.
"That's it. Sorta" I answer.
"It's Ari right?" Zay asks.
"Wait what happened with Ari?" Farkle asks.
"I got jealous we had a fight. She said to call her when I was ready to apologize. I messed up. God i messed up so bad" I say putting my head in my hands.
"So why don't you apologize" Smackle asks.
"He always does this. He over thinks it. He says he has to word it right so he doesn't mess up and then he has to make sure he cuddles her enough after. And yeah it's this big thing." Zay explains as I shake my head. "Just apologize" he tells me.
"What if she's had enough of me? What if high school tears me apart from her?" I ask sadly.
"Apologize. Your tearing yourself apart from her right now" he says and I nod.
"Your right. I should just go over, and say it" I say.
"We'll go after this okay?" Zay asks.
"Okay" I say.
"Anyways lets just go back to Riley and Maya and tell them we feel bad" Zay suggests.
"No, I can't do that" I say.
"Why not?" Smackle asks.
"Because I feel bad" I say.
"What are you talking about?" Zay asks.
"Let's just go back and say we're sorry we left them and start all over." Smackle says.
"No, I understand what Lucas is talking about. We left them." Farkle says sadly.
"Well, we just wanted to see what high school was like. They'll be okay." Zay says.
"No, you have to understand Riley." I say.
"Riley has such faith in people. I mean, yeah, she had faith in the seniors." Farkle says.
"But she has even more faith in us." I say before I start to think of Ari again. "You know what not only can I not protect them here I abandoned them" I say.
"This is about Ari again isn't it." Zay asks.
"She got hurt, and then we fought. I don't even deserve to be forgiven" I say putting my head down again.
"We don't deserve to go back" Farkle says.
"Riley and Maya Belice in something and we left. She made new friends and I got jealous. I left them alone. I left my Angel alone." I say sadly before we hear a guitar.
"So your friend's been telling me
You've been sleeping with my sweater
And that you can't stop missing me" a voice starts to sing and I immediately know it's her.
"Ari" I breathe.
"Bet my friend's been telling you
I'm not doing much better
'Cause I'm missing half of me" she sings walking in.
"And being here without you is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you" she sings walking around the seats before stopping in front of me.
"And being here without you is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
'Cause I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you
Half a heart without you
I'm half a heart without you
Though I try to get you out of my head
The truth is I got lost without you
And since then I've been waking up to
Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do
I'm half a heart without you
Without you, without you, half a heart without you
Without you, without you, I'm half a heart without you" Ari finishes and everyone else clap. She takes off her guitar before handing it to Zay and sitting down in front of me on the table. We look at each other before
"We'll give y'all a moment" Zay says before he, smackle, and Farkle step out.
"I'm sorry" we both say.
"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry about" I say grabbing her hand.
"Yeah I do. I left you alone there. You were jealous and I didn't do anything. I'm so sorry" she says as a tear rolls down her cheek.
"No no baby. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you it wasn't okay to be friends with them. I just was so mad about the hole and then all of a sudden they're your friends and what if they take you away from me. I can't lose you angel"  I say as tears roll down my cheeks.
"You never have to worry about losing me. Always and forever remember" she says and I nod. "Besides Thor is like an older brother, and Niki and Francesca totally like him" she says.
"I'm sorry baby" I say grabbing her hips and pulling her into my lap.
"It's okay. I forgive you" Ari responds.
"I love you so much" I say.
"I love you too so so much" she says.
"Love of my life always" I say.
"And forever the love of mine" she says before we lean and I pull her into a passionate kiss, trying to push all my love for her into it.
"Always" I say pulling away and reading my forehead against hers.
"Forever" she says pecking my lips again.

His Texas Girl// Lucas FriarWhere stories live. Discover now