" I know that Ron isn't." Draco said calmly while cuddle up to my neck.

" How do you know?"

" Because then he would have a crush on Blaise."

" How did you-"

" I caught him staring at Blaise once and I asked him about it afterwards. I was able to get it out of him. After that we sort of became friends but we kept it a secret since the whole school will explode if they found out that a Weasley is friends with a Malfoy."

"...And Ron didn't tell me..."

" Nope!" He said, popping the 'p'. We heard a pop and some food on the side table. it seemed like it was just snacks. I grabbed on off the cinnamon rolls I put it to Draco's mouth.

" Are you?"

" Your hand seem occupied."


We were walking downstairs to the living room, well, more like Draco was showing me where it was since my memory was still rusty. He took a shower before we left, so now he was wearing a white hoodie that faded too black and was a bit too big on him, some blue skinny jeans and had his hair in a ponytail, with some strands tucked behind his ear. He was still holding my hand. Not that I was any better though, I had my arm around his waist. We walked in to see father and Uncle Lucius talking. They turned to us when we entered the room.

" Hello boys. Did you have a good sleep?"

" Yup!" Draco answered happily. We sat down on once of the couches, Draco leaning on my shoulder, my arm around him.

" How are you doing Draco?"

" I feel much better now Father."

" Nothing hurts?" father asked.

" Only a small ache but it's decreasing by the second. I should be fine at the end of the day." I noticed that the two seemed nervous. I'm guessing Draco did too since we both turned to each other and turned back to them.

" Are you guy's okay?" I asked.

" Well you see Noah...we may have invited Pansy and Blaise..."

" What's wrong with that Uncle tom?"

" Well-"

" The twins and Ron Weasley was invited too." Lucius said in a monotone.

" Don't worry! The twins where double agents for us, so they where on our side. They knew that Ron wasn't part of Dumbledore's plan so they took him to Gringotts and took all the potions and spells out of his system. So he is on our side as well." Father said quickly. 

" It's alright Father. I already know that they are on our side."  I felt Draco head fall on my shoulder and I looked to see he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and raised an eyebrow and the two males in question. 

" Ah yes. Considering the fact you have been gone for years, it took a great toll on Draco's body. He'll get tired and fall asleep at random times for a few days. I suggest you stay close to him until he stops falling asleep randomly. He is also going to be extremely submissive for a few days as well."

" Oh. So when are-" suddenly the door banged open, waking up Draco and making everyone jump. Draco immediately latched on to my arm shaking a bit. The noise must of scared him. I turned over and kissed his forehead to calm him and turned my attention to the person at the door. There stood Pansy Parkinson. Narcissia was right behind her, a happy yet evil gleam in her. eyes.  

" I heard you invited me over dra-" then her eyes landed on me and she scowled. " Who are you?" I looked at her for a second before answering.

" Noah. Noah Riddle." She looked shocked for a second before hiding it. 

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