02 | Bunny boy?

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"BUNNY BOY!!!" I yelled, running into the classroom, putting my arms on the door frame, looking around for him.

No sign of him. That's odd.

I sat down at my desk and waited for my homeroom teacher to come in.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

I heard her footsteps. The heels she wears are so loud and scary. The heels are in this shade of bright red. I believe those heels are what you call pumps. The heel part of the shoes is so pointy and sharp. I think if anyone tried to mess with Ms. Seo, they'd end up in the hospital.


I looked over at the door to see Ms. Seo walking in. As soon as her foot stepped past the doorframe, everyone got up from their seats to greet her.

"Good morning Ms. Seo!" Everyone chanted.

At that moment, I think I saw my class unite for the first time. Actually, no. Since we do this a lot it isn't really a first time but rather this is the only moment when our class works together.

I whispered to a classmate, "Oi. Jay. Have you heard from Bunny Boy?"

"Who?" He whispered back.

"Jungwon. You know? The bunny lover Jungwon."

"Oh, yea n-"

"Jay! Luna!"

Uh oh.

"Are you two trying to talk in class!?"

"No ma'am!" We both shouted in unison.

"Good.", she eyed us, "The class may now sit down."

We all took our seats.

How the hell was I supposed to start the project without my partner? Maybe I should check up on him after school. He lives near me anyway.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

No reply.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Still no reply.

Wait, there's a doorbell.

Ding Dong.

The door opened, revealing an angry old man, clearly drunk. "What do you want," he said with a grumpy, clearly annoyed tone.

"I'm looking for a Yang Jungwon?" I replied, smiling cautiously.

"He's not home." The man replied.

"Could you just let him kno-"


Damn, okay. Didn't have to be so rude. But, that's odd. He's sick, right? Sick people don't go outside.
Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

"I'll have to do it alone then." I sighed.
The first day of doing this experiment and I'm already being isolated from my partner. Yikes.

I walked home, head down slightly gloomy.

"I made all this congee for nothing," I said to myself, looking down at the thermos that was carrying the soft rice. "I'll eat it myself I guess."

I continued walking down the empty neighborhood's road and soon, arrived home. I inserted the key and turned it right until a click sound could be heard. I walked in, shut the door behind me, and walked straight into the dining room.  I placed down the thermos and my laptop on the table, opening the thermos' top to reveal the congee that I had made, still warm. I took a bite out of the congee and started to type out my reflection of the project.

"Today was the first day of the project. I feel sad because my partner, Jungwon, got sick. We, as a result, got separated before we could even start communicating properly. I felt bad because I even made him congee. I just wanted to take care of him as his partner, but instead, a man at his house told me he wasn't home. I hope that wherever he is, he'll go home soon as I don't want to see him get even sicker.

I really really hope that he gets well soon. I don't want him to be sick for too long. I wanna have fun in the project since this entire project is meant to just be about hanging out with others.

Today's experiment was somewhat unsuccessful."

"And— finished!" I yelled as I stretched out my arms, "Now to do the dishes~"

©gimgumdrops, all rights reserved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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