01 | How humans fall in love

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I hear a muffled voice.


Hm? What's that noise?


"JESUS WHAT?" I shout loudly in the cafeteria. Oh god. Did I just- oh no everyone's looking.

"Jeez, you've been staring at that "new weird kid who always wears bunny ears and holds onto some stuffed rabbit toy" for so long. What's up with you?" Daniel says, looking at me as if I was an alien.

"Hm? No, I just zoned out."

"Ah alright-"

The bell rings and I look down at my lunch realizing I only ate half of my first sandwich and close the box, putting it back into my backpack.

"ILL SEE YOU LUNA BAI-" Daniel got cut off again while getting dragged by his other friends, what a surprise.

I put my black backpack on and walk towards my classroom. It's only been a couple of weeks since the school first started but I guess it's pretty normal right? I think? I have no idea at this point.

I walk into my classroom and get interrupted abruptly by Mr. Lee, my social studies teacher.

"Oi you're 2 minutes late, take out your textbook and flip to page 174 and sit down next to Jungwon." He says making direct eye contact with me then looking at the rest of the class. "Also do remember I'm not responsible if you miss out on things because you're late to class. Ask your classmates." He looks at me and gives a death glare.

I remember that Mr. Lee put me next to Jungwon since he never lived in America up until this point so his English isn't good but I can speak in Korean fluently so he put me with Jungwon to make him more comfortable.

I sit down next to Jungwon, the weird bunny kid and he starts to play with the bunny toy.
"What did I miss out on?"
He looks at me then back at his toy.
"How humans fall in love." I hear him say in a soft innocent voice.

I go speechless.

"Baby bunnies are cute right? I want a baby bunny one day."

Alrighty then-

"As always, you're gonna be given your monthly project since it's now September and y'all have settled into class. It's a peer aka a partnered project about romantic relationships. You will date your peer for a month and then I want you to tell me what it feels like to be dating someone. This means those who are sitting with someone of a same sex will be in a LGBTQ+ relationship. Of course, you won't have to tell everyone that this person is your romantic partner. It's a school project so explain to people around you. And DO NOT be late to class on the day you're meant to do the essay about the project." Mr. Lee says stating me down like I was gonna be written on his death note.

I look at Jungwon and his eyes light up like a child. Ok I'll admit it, he's kinda cute with the bunny ears but lots of people find him weird for it which is a tad bit sad.

"I'm so excited! Can we be friends while we're at it?"

"Yes yes we can. We can exchange phone numbers!"

"I don't have a phone..."

Wait, what?

"Just use the school email." He smiles sweetly.

"Alright! After school today we work on the plans?"

"I can't, my mom will get angry."

"Ohhh okay, how about tomorrow?" I ask desperately.

"Okay! I'll ask her!"

I look at him and wave bye then proceed to walk out the door.

I stretch and in the process say to myself, "This is gonna be a looooong day."


I open the door to my house and flop onto the bed.

"UGGgHHh I'm so tired." Just as I say that, I hear a knock on my door.

I get off my bed and walk towards my door.

"Ugh, who is it now??" I say, tired.

I open the door to see a boy around my age wearing bunny ears, holding a bunny stuffed toy.

"Hai!" I hear Jungwon say in a small voice.

"What are you doing here??" I ask.

"I'm your neighbor, remember?" He says.

I peek my head out the door and look to the left, then the right. I see his house and remember that he moved here a couple of months ago.

"I just wanted to let you know we could start now!"

"Wait, FOR REAL?" I shout.

He covers one of his bunny ears, "too loud~ and yes!"

I drag his hand and pull him into the house.

I proceed to shut the door until I hear a click.

"So, what's the task prompt?"

"We pretend to date for 2 weeks and write down our experiences as to how it affected our mood!"

"Sounds easy enough. Let's get to know each other first! What's your name again, bunny boy?" I say as I pat his fluffy hair.

And oh boy,


He pulls my hand off his head and says "it's Jungwon, and you're... Luna right?"


And just like that, we continue talking about other random things.

©gimgumdrops, all rights reserved.

Bunny Boy | Yang Jungwon ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt